I stole this from sarah, who stole it from christina who stole it from... you get the picture.
1*First grade teacher's name: Mrs.Moon actually it was K-1
2* Last word you said: goodbye
3* Last song you sang: I love your ways
4* Last person you hugged: Sheila
5* Last thing you laughed at: the television
6* Last time you said "I'm in love with you": I can't remember... Years ago
7* Last time you cried: November 2004
9* What color socks are you wearing: I am not wearing socks
10* What's under your bed: shoes, boots, a sea-bag full of combat gear, a patrol pack.
11* What time did you wake up today: 0500
12* Current taste: The stuffed pepper i had for dinner
13* Current hair : Medium Regulation
14* Current clothes: USMC sweatpants and a terry cloth disney robe
15* Current annoyance: the HTML to make my answers bold
16* Current crush: anybody. yes, I'm desperate... so what!
17* Current desktop background: standard Microsoft Windows XP background
18* Current worry: money.
19* Current hate: Tow truck drivers (long story)
20* Current favorite article of clothing: My robe
26* If you could play an instrument, what would it be: the guitar
27* Favorite color: Blue
28* Do you believe in an afterlife: Yes
29* How tall are you: 69 & 1/2 inches (5'9")
30* favorite number: 16
31* Favorite person: MOM
32* Favorite season: Lemon Pepper
33* One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: my first crush, Marylin Gable.
35* Where do you want to go for college? maybe UAB make DUKE maybe UNCW I really dunno.
36* What is your career going to be like: some type of sports adviser, or coach, or sports-med guy
37* How many kids do you want: 2
39* Said "I love you" and meant it? Yes
40* Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish: yes
41* Been to New York: Yes
42* Been to Florida: Yes
43* Been to California:not yet
44* Been to Hawaii: I will go for the Ironman World championships... one day.
45* Been to Mexico: no
46* Been to China: No
48* Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: not the next day, but like a month later.
52* Do you have a crush on someone: refer to Question #16
53* What book are you reading now? Crown of Swords By Robert Jordan.
54* Worst feeling in the world:Having to take orders from somebody who knows absolutely nothing about your job.
55* What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning? Gotta Get dressed and out the door by 0520 in order to get breakfast.
56* How many rings before you answer: two
57* Future daughter's name:will figure it out then
58* Future son's name: Dunno
59* Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: I sleep with three pillows... does that count?
60* If you could have any job you wanted: professional Triathlete.
61* Wish you had: a better bike
62* Future College plans: Major in sports sciences
63* Piercings? just the left ear
64* Do you do drugs: supplements
65* whats ur fav. movie: Forest Gump
66* What are you most scared of: Failure
67* What clothes do you sleep in? USMC sweatpants
68* Who is the last person that called you: my brother, tre'
69* Where do you want to get married: somewhere isolated out by the ocean on a rocky shoreline with just my immediate family.
70* If you could change anything about yourself what would it be: My lack of people skills
71*whats ur shirt say: not wearing a shirt
72* Are you timely or always late: fifteen minutes prior, the marine corps way
73* Do you have a job: Yeah, I'm the mimms clerk
74* Do you like being around people?: ehh...
75* Best feeling in the world?: when you've done something nobody thought you could do
76* Are you for world peace: no, I wouldn't have a job
77* Are you a health freak: Y-E-S!!
78* Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: slender girl, the type that hangs out at the clubs
79* Do you want someone you don't have? well I don't have anybody, and I want somebody so... let's see uhm... yes. i think.
80* Are you lonely right now? I'm desperate, but I'm happy being single, I can't seem to find a girl that really fits into my schedule and I'm okay with that.
81* Ever afraid you'll never get married: No
82* Do you want to get married: Kinda
84* Cried: Nope
85* Bought Something: paid the tow truck guy
86* Gotten Sick: yes, but I'm better now
87* Sang: yes
88* Said I Love You: yes
89* Wanted To Tell Someone You Liked them: No
90* Met Someone?: yes, this really good swimmer named Izet. Met him at the pool, just a couple of hours ago.
91* Moved On: ????
92* Talked To Someone: well, see that's kind of involved in meeting someone ya know...
93* Had A Serious Talk: No
94* Missed Someone: yes all the time, I miss you all, very much.
95* Hugged Someone: No
96* Yelled at Someone: yes
97* Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be with?: yes
98* hit someone: yes, ya know guys play around
99* Have you ever been heartbroken: I guess, but I got over it.
100* Do you like the way things are right now? let's just say there's a lot I would change, but I'm glad things are working out the way they have.