Next time I'm buying a bicycle....

Nov 30, 2005 08:25

A bit of history. So far, the Jag has been great, With a couple of notable exceptions. The windows fog up. A lot. A bit of searching on the Internet led me to a faulty recirculation door (the plastic flap the controls whether the heater is pull air from outside or inside the car. Mine is stuck in the [INSIDE] position.

I called the dealership last week and left a message asking for an appointment, and telling them about my symptoms, and that there is a technical service bulletin about this issue. When I didn't get a call back, I tried again and let a real person know the same info. I was told to bring the car in on Saturday.
Saturday was the in-laws Thanksgiving, so it took some arranging, but it is hard to drive when I can't see.
I drove in at 8:30, and was informed that this would be no more than an hour, so have a seat. Great! I can wait an hour. Then two. Three.....four.....

Long story not so long, they came back with all kinds of problems they fixed, but aparently never bothered with the one item I specifically mentioned. And the windows are still impossible to see through in the cold!

Yesterday, to prove my point, I pulled out the glovebox (2 min.), got a flashlight (another 2 min.) and saw for myself that, although the little motor sounds like it should be working, the door doesn't move (5 min.).
So, 9 minutes of my time shows that the four hours the mechanics spent tearing apart my car didn't do anything about the reall problem. It's not like they had to diagnose anything--- I told them where the problem was!

So here I am, back at the dealership, when I need to be at work.

7:40am - Pull into the dealership & have to expain again why I am there. "We'll look at that right away sir."

8:25am - The car is finally in ther service bays and somebody is looking at the car. But not the right part of the car. The recirc door is on the blower motor, which is behind the glovebox. Which is in the car. These guys are still poking around under the hood, looking at the air conditioning system.

8:39am - The car has now been pulled over next to a wall, where they couldn't possible open the passenger door to even get to the blower motor!

8:51am - The car has now been pulled out of the service area. I never once saw anyone look at the recirc door.

9:15am - Still no sign of my car.

9:20am - Knock on the service manager's door. "Oh, Hi!. Looks like the gears on your recirc door are stripped." "Oh, you don't say...." "Yeah, so I have to fax Jaguar & get this approved. It'll take a few days." grrr.......

So now I have to wait.
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