ack, i never got any email. are you on any messengers? aim is douladyke which allows me to send as a folder. my msn is in my userinfo. otherwise make sure you email your address to me!!
most definitely :) also welcome to livejournal or at least to my user list. noticed you had signed up.
you have several choices. we can actually get together since you are local - then i can hand you a cd copy. if not, you can add me to your messenger and i can send you the files to burn. if all else fails, email me your address and i can try and send it to you that way... but i'm bad with sending mail sometimes :P
you're more than welcome to it! do you have any messengers so that i could transfer the files to you directly? if needed i can mail you the cd in exchange for a mix of your own or a blank, something like that... i'm just awful with sending out postal mail on time. let me know what messengers you have and i can add you.
Comments 11
ohhhh awesome.i would definitely love a copy. ill email you my address!
you have several choices. we can actually get together since you are local - then i can hand you a cd copy. if not, you can add me to your messenger and i can send you the files to burn. if all else fails, email me your address and i can try and send it to you that way... but i'm bad with sending mail sometimes :P
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