The Official Following Sea Flowery Knickers Challenge

Mar 30, 2012 08:34

By popular demand....A Challenge!

Earlier this week I posted the following extract from a book called British Naval Dress by Dudley Jarrett, which nodbear gave me for Christmas:

Both officers and ratings have frequently shown strong individual tastes in matters of dress. Even when regulations became clearer they were apt to be ignored. Captain Lord Cochrane wore bell-bottomed trousers; officers have been known to carry umbrellas when in uniform. Sailors have decorated the seams of their jackets with white tape and embroidered the only visible parts if their underwear with flowers.

This passage is illustrated by a portrait of Lord Cochrane with a stern caption underneath noting:

The wearing of trousers in place of breeches was unauthorized.

Several fangirls, who really should be old enough to know better, (yes, I'm looking at you mylodon, lady_branwyn and eglantine_br) were mightily amused by the thought of our heros wearing flowery unmentionables and suggested a ficlet challenge. Well. Who am I to stand in the way of a good plot bunny?! So without further ado allow me to announce:

The Official following_sea Flowery Knickers Challenge
The Rules:
1. Read the above quote.
2. Snigger.
3. Write fic / ficlet / limerick / 10,000 word pwp epic / whatever or draw a lovely picture.
4. Post it here.
5. Snigger some more.

And since the folks over at perfect_duet seem to have even less sense than you guys (hard to believe, I know), they are cordially invited to play along too should they wish.

challenge: flowery knickers, mod's post

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