Wishing upon a star

Apr 02, 2011 22:31

Title: Wishing upon a star
Author: followurdestiny
Words: 654
Pairing: HanHae
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Do not own them.
Summary: Earnestly making a wish upon a star
A/N: Written for 100 Suju Fanfic - prompt: 039. All the People - Archive here

It’s a beautiful summer evening, the sun has just set and the skies have turned into a dark but bright blue color with a faint orange glow still visible just above the horizon. He closes his eyes, takes in a deep breath and turns his head towards the sky, relishing in the feeling of the wind against his skin and through his hair, while slowly breathing out again. The only sound he hears is the sound of the wind and the soft ticking, he supposes, that is coming from the clock which hangs just beside the balcony door. Slowly, he opens his eyes again when he feels a set of arms circling his waist and a head coming to rest against his back. Comfortable warmth envelops him and he leans back, closing his eyes again.

“Mhmm…”, Hangeng murmers back.
“What are you thinking about?”

The answer hangs silent in the air, the wind blows over them both and they continue to enjoy being in each other’s embrace.

“Do you think the stars will come out tonight?”
“Mhmm…I think so. Why?”
“Because I want to make a wish”
“Hae, you do know that you can only wish upon a shooting star, right? And I don’t think they will appear tonight.”
“Well, you never know, Hyung, they might… but I don’t need a shooting start to make a wish”
“Really-uh?”, Hangeng asks.
“Yes, I just have to wait and catch the first star that will appear in the sky.
Chuckling, he turns a bit to watch his dongseang looking earnestly at the sky, concentrating on spotting the first star with his tongue peeking out a bit. The adorable sight makes his lips twitch into a smile and his heart flutter.
Then suddenly the warmth around him leaves and in a flurry of movements he watches his companion clasp his hands together, looking intently at one spot in the night sky and starting to murmur: “Star light, star bright, the first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight.”

Finishing his chant Donghae closes his eyes tightly and makes his wish as quickly as he can. I wish for my Hangeng-ge to be healthy, free to go chase and achieve his dreams and happy always. Hangeng hyung, out of all the people I want you to be happy the most. Opening his eyes, he starts to scour the skies to see if any other stars have appeared.

Seeing his dongseang frantically looking left and right after opening his eyes again, Hangeng can’t help but think how adorable he’s being. “Hae, what are you doing?”

Heaving a deep sigh he feels relieved when he sees that new stars haven’t appeared in the meantime. Feeling arms being wrapped around him this time, he lets himself relax and leans back against his hyung’s warm chest.

Out of curiosity Hangeng asks, “Hae? What did you wish for?”
“Mhmm…”, Hae murmers contently.
“What did you wish for?”
“I can’t tell you. Otherwise it will not come true.” I want it to come true.

“Hae, you know I’ll always be there for you and the guys, even if one day I’m not by your side anymore. Just know that I’ll always love you all”, looking thoughtful Hangeng stares up at the sky hoping things will get better soon otherwise he also doesn’t know what will happen, what he will do.

Nodding his head in understanding, Donghae turns to hug his hyung back. I’ll always love you too.

More stars are starting to appear, one by one, covering the night sky with bright little lights. Shining and shimmering with hope and love, carrying light through space and time ready to light up someone’s world.

Over his shoulder he can see that star shining brighter than any other and he smiles, tightens his grip, because he believes it will come true.

=BELIEVE in your wish.
When you wish upon a star,
the star knows whether or not your wish is genuine.
If you feel sheepish, or make a half-hearted wish,
no one will hear it. Simply put, if you don't deserve your wish,
it will never come true.=

hangeng, #100 suju challenge, donghae

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