Letting off Steam

Jan 08, 2012 21:31

Title: Letting off steam
Characters/Pairings: Heechul/Eunhyuk
Rating: PG(-13)
Genre(s): humor, friendship, fluff
Warnings: none
Summary: Eunhyuk speaks back to Heechul and the latter is QUITE taken aback. He's discovering a whole new side to his dongsaeng.

Author's Note: written for phoenix_soar for sujuexchange's Holiday Fanfic Exchange. It was nice to explore this pairings dynamic. I hope whoever will read this, likes it!

Heechul has been tossing and turning all night. This day isn’t going to begin well if he doesn’t do anything about it. He is kind of fed up with the situation again, but he won’t take it anymore. Throwing his bedding off of him, he stalks to his closet and starts to pull everything out of it. Shirts and pants in all the colors of the rainbow fly through the room. Looking for the perfect outfit of the day, he grooms himself to perfection while standing before the mirror and with newfound determination he stalks off having one destination in mind.

In all the years he has known his hyung, Eunhyuk has always felt quite intimidated by the flamboyantly dressed red head. In a sense that he always tends to please his hyung, trying to get into his good graces and biting his tongue to say anything to set his hyung off when he’s making unreasonable demands or being unreasonable all together. Eunhyuk knows he looks like a spineless idiot when he gives into his hyung everytime. His other friends also just shake their heads at him, not approving, it doesn’t make him feel good always, but when his hyung starts to smile his real smile again he just feels it’s all worth it.

He’s going to go on a tirade again, he can feel it. Nothing, nobody will dispel his anger more effectively than his most beloved dongseang. He can make him do anything he wants, it’s a given. He can make him dance while juggling apples, make him food, buy him stuff and even if he fails. He never fails to bring up his mood. Because he can feel his power become whole again, when he makes his dongseang do what he wants. Today, that’s also his motive and goal to go to Eunhyuk and make him do what he wants.

Eunhyuk, though on the other hand is not having a particular good day as well. He can’t seem to get his dance steps right and he has to finish this choreography before the end of the day, for tomorrow there is an important examination. He has already scared a few of his friends off with this bad mood of his, and they have therefore left him to his own devices. And what he doesn’t know is that his mood will become even worse in a few moments, when a certain hyung will burst through the doors to find his outlet.

“Yah, you!”, a familiar voice screeches. “I want you to make me pancakes, now!” (another random irrational demand)

Inside his head, Eunhyuk sighs deeply. He doesn’t want to, he’s annoyed, he’s busy but he can’t deny his hyung anything he knows that. He can feel himself already complying, but while he’s turning to face his hyung. All kinds of thoughts fly through his head; all the demands of his hyung he agreed to in the past, the disapproving faces of his friends, his dreams and the importance of the impending examination. Everything becomes a blur and he feels numb when he says quite loudly, which even shocks himself, “NO!, I won’t!”

Heechul was shocked to hear that kind of answer shouted at him, to say the least. Especially from the one person he thought that would never refuse him anything. Facing his dongseang, he can see the fire burning in his eyes and the seriousness of the situation. His dongseang wasn’t just denying him, he was angry and the anger seems to be directed at him. Shivers run along his spine, he can’t make out yet if it’s because of fear or excitement, because it’s being overwhelmed by the growing feeling of irritation. And he can’t help but yell back, “Yahh, what you brat! How dare you! You do what I want you to do!”.

Feeling a red haze cloud over his eyes and mind, Eunhyuk feels like a dam is about to burst open. All the feelings he has held inside are threatening to spill out, and it does without much hesitation. All the uncertain feelings, feelings of unfairness, of being treated like a doormat, of being frowned upon, of wanting to chase his dreams, his efforts he puts into everything and not getting to where he wants or getting any thanks, all his worries and frustrations he shouts them all at his hyung.

Heechul just stares in awe at the scene that has played out before him. His dongseang exploding into a rant about, well everything. He has a hard time processing everything, but he can’t help starting to feel some admiration and respect towards his dongseang while being a bit amused as well. Because the sight is, really a sight to write back home about. His head as red as a tomato, waving his arms here and there, his dongseang looks like a madman and he can’t help but feel a smile starting to tug at his lips.

Trying to regain his breath, Eunhyuk takes a deep breath and suddenly feels really calm and lighter now that he has let everything out like that and blown off some steam. But suddenly he realises what he just has done, he freezes and cautiously looks up to his hyungs face. He expects thunder, a beating and braces himself for it, but when he properly faces his hyung. All he sees is a smile that’s brighter than the sun. He can’t help but feel relieved and the feeling of immense happiness blooming up from his stomach. Everything seems suddenly so bright and light, he could just do anything even fly to the moon and back. And without much thought he says, “I love you, hyung!”

Having his arms full of his dongseang suddenly knocks the wind out of him. Even if he feels shocked at the sudden change of mood again, and his mind is reeling a bit because of it, he can’t help his smile growing and hugs him a bit tighter to himself and say “I love you too, dongseang”.

eunhyuk, heechul

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