So There have been some changes made at lp. New management, some switches between kitchens, some ups, some downs, etc. There were some good changes, like how we do certain things, but other decisions people have made are just plain stupid and they pull them out of their asses. The salad bar issue is one thing in itself. The whole switching of the fridge, dry storage, etc thats another thing. The new management all coming from Bugaboo Creek and trying to turn a RETIREMENT home into one, thats something i just refuse to discuss... but the new CDC (chef de cuisine), THATS A FIRE UNDER MY ASS!
Dane cook once stated that Every group of friends has a Karen. Karen is the girl NO ONE likes. Well, I have a Karen and her name is Actually Karen. How coincidental. Shes the new CDC. The new Bob Dexter. I knew there was something about her since day one i didnt like about her, and her true colors have been showing alottt lately.
Okay, were going to begin this little love fest with what she tried to pull on me today. Soo, were in the middle of service, and Katie had been working on the line, and so she came and got me from the fridge as i was cleaning, and she asked me to step in to keep an eye on the line, servers, and karen, basically. SO i hope on. Im not doing anything on the line expect reading the slips to Jon so ha can put the sides on the plates. Not touching the food, not near the food, not reaching over the food anything. just grabbing the slip and putting it behind the last plate. So Jon had to go grab something, and jokingly made me do the plates and i said "Hah, i dont think so, i dont have any gloves on." Karen being the deuchebag that she is, goes "And why dont you have gloves on when youre at MY steamtable?" EXCUSE ME? Since when is it youre steamtable, assfuck! Im pretty sure ive been there for almost FOUR years longer than you have, dont try and call it YOUR steamtable. Granted, its not mine either, but ive had more time with it than you so get over youre snaggle tooth, and notice who youre friggen messing with! ass!!!! So i replied, "Im not really touching the food, so i dont really need them." And she then replied with "I Dont Care" with a rude snobbish attitude, and she even gave that face like when you scrunch youre cheeks, and squint youre eyes? Yeah! rude! So i said Okay, and went and got them on, and continued with NO problems! Thanks!
So alteast a 1/2 hr later or whatever, AQUIL calls me into the office because shes too chicken to do it herself, or even just CONFRONT me by herself. and Aquil goes, "I sense some hostility in the kitchen. As karen asked you to put on gloves, you snickered and rolled youre eyes and gave her attitude, so i just wanted to clearify." So i explained, i had no attitude at all, and i simply said okay, and got them on without question. So yeah! Rude!
But heres some info about karen y'all should know. Shes RUDE, as ive explained. She doesnt do ANYHTINg in the kitchen. Shes the head CHEF de Cuisine. usually when you have a title of CHEF that means you have to cook stuff right? Wrong, that means you have to go on 399 cigarette breaks a day, and walk around with youre hands in youre pockets all the damn time, and pretend to be funny, when youre clearly not. Thats not even the worse stuff she does.
When she walks around, shes ALWAYs eating something. And sometimes, shes picking THROUGh food were preparing, food weve cooked or food were serving. Are you seious? Youre really going to play the contradition card, when you YOURSELF take youre nasty yellow nails and stick them ALL over the food we are supposed to be SERVING to residents, and then lick youre fingers, and continue expediting? I dont think it works that way. Ill have more respect for her when i see her ServeSafe Certificate to PROVe to me that she at one point actually DID care about what she was doing.
shes talks her work hours away, and she does shit. She sits on the equiptment, and she cross-contaminates almost everything she touches. She is absolutely disgusting, repulsive, and down right nasty. I have NEVER said this about anyone before in my life, because i have never had to. And when i say it now, i know its okay to say out loud because i have alteast 5 other people at work who agree with me completely.
Either LP hires a new CDC soon, or youve lost yourselves a great employee.