Here's a preview of something I hope to use to learn to cel-shade (I was working on re-designing his armor to be more protective). I've always had a thing for those anime-screencap pictures, but I think my style may just be too detailed for that.
Funny that I post more in my sketchblog than my real blog.
Anyhow, my electronics are all here now - printer, tablet, digital camera. So, I was happy and made a preview picture of that WIP from a few entries back.
As I said, I'd get some pictures of Rivek up tonight. It's the first time I've drawn him in awhile, and he's been coming out pretty good so far. Hopefully, I can finish these by the 21st and turn them into real pieces.
I submitted my animation samples, and now I'm part of deviantART Film! Crazy, huh? Check DA for my animations. I'm only going to upload recent ones, though (and the penguin one. That one' s just worth seeing.
I need to do some more hand-drawn animation type stuff.