
Jul 25, 2008 00:15

Name: Luke fon Fabre
Age: Twenty-one (Replicated from Asch when he was a child, so she is technically only eleven.)
Gender: Originally male, now female (though unless someone can sense it, it's hard to discern; she's very gender-neutral. aka. FLAT.)
Sexuality: Aschsexual.

Appearance: Luke stands at about five foot seven, something she's rather sore about, now being shorter than Asch instead of equal to him thanks to missing three years worth of growing. Her long red-orange hair ends with the tips lightening to yellow, which she tends to keep pulled back into a ponytail for convenience's sake, even if it does make her appear more feminine. One of the main things that distinguish her from the other Lukes is an eyebrow piercing above her right eye. The clothes she wears are fitted so as to minimize the likelihood of people knowing her gender: baggy black pants along with a long, white jacket trimmed with gold piping, over which is a shorter but similar black jacket, this one with red trim and gold buttons. Finally, on her left hand is her engagement ring of gold with a red stone.

Personality: A fun-loving, generally happy person all around, Luke is selfless to a fault (or just plain disinterested in her own well-being) and deeply devoted to those she cares for. She has even previously given her life for them and would willingly do so again. Any and all Asches hold a special place in her heart, one that compels her to do anything to help them. She's still trying to learn that there are limits to what she should and shouldn't do, though.

Luke still enjoys training with her sword and a good fight, but does not wish to engage in any that will result in her needing to kill someone. She feels that she has stained the ground with the blood of far too many as is.

However, at times when her structure starts to falter, that nature begins to fall by the wayside as a more malicious facet of her personality appears. It is one of the reasons she tends to think of herself as a monster.

Abilities/Strengths: From her time spent with Lorelei in the Fon Belt, Luke has been able to learn how to use her hyperresonance to heal some physical and even mental injuries, though this causes her fonons to destabilize at a much faster rate. Oddly enough, she also somehow acquired seemingly random skills, such as tying knots. (Though she doesn't know it, this is due to the memory particles and seventh fonons that mixed with her new body.)

Weaknesses: During the years following Eldrant, Luke has become slightly jaded and pessimistic in regards to her own future. However, her main problem lies with in her fonons, which are unstable and give her crippling headaches and episodes that leave her unable to tell the past from the present as her memories become jumbled. During these times she is a danger to both herself and those around her, but thankfully, those are rare and can be prevented by having Asch periodically do maintenance to her structure.

History: Luke was originally known as the Light of the Sacred Flame, son of Duke and Lady fon Fabre, heralding from the city of Baticul, until it was revealed through a series of mishaps that he was in actuality a seven-year-old replica of the true "Luke fon Fabre", the man who is now known as Asch the Bloody. When their world was threatened to be covered in a dangerous poison known as miasma, Luke and Asch worked together to neutralize it. Though they were successful, that action triggered Luke's body to begin disappearing, leaving him with only a few months of life at the most. To ensure Auldrant's survival by defeating their former master, Van, and freeing the embodiment of the Seventh Fonon, Lorelei from within him, Asch, Luke, and his friends set out for Eldrant. It was there that a choice had to be made: only one of them could continue on from the room that held them, and through a fight it was decided that Luke would be the one. Just as Luke was preparing to face Van, he felt the death of Asch, impaled by the swords of Van's Oracle Knights. Knowing what had happened to his original, Luke killed Van, and set Lorelei free. Preparing to die himself, Luke took Asch's lifeless body in his arms and allowed his fonons to return to original, restoring his body. However, that alone was not enough to save Asch. Lorelai, hearing the replica's final wish, took Luke's soul with him into the Fon Belt, thus giving Asch's soul and body the chance to be as it was before the replication took place: whole...

When Asch regains consciousness in a field of flowers near where Eldrant had fallen, he finds that while Luke has 'died', his soul resides intact in the Fon Belt with Lorelei and they are still able to communicate through their connection. Angered and saddened at his foolish replica, Asch decides to forgo returning to those they know, opting instead to seek a way of returning Luke to a normal existence. This lasted for close to the next three years, with the two of them forming a very intimate and stable relationship through being constantly in touch with one another. Asch is finally able to succeed with the assistance of Lorelei, but only partially. When Luke's fonons finally begin to reform, the first and most disturbing problem is apparent. Luke now had a female body. Then the second issue arises from that: the now female Luke's fonons aren't stable, and the distress from the mental turmoil of suddenly being something she shouldn't be renders her unable to think rationally for three months and Asch has to work to keep her from harming herself. They soon find that through their hyperresonance Asch can stabilize her fonons, at least for a time, as the longer she goes without being able to connect with him, the more her mental state deteriorates.

Luke spent close to a year (ten months as of July 08) trying to adjust to being female, with most of her success stemming from Asch's constant comforting and reassurance of her new form, even going so far as to request her hand in marriage, something she immediately accepted. Now, her time is mostly spent trying to assist others and look after the other versions of herself and Asch, particularly the younger ones.


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