So, a friend of mine went to Armageddon. He explains to me that it's "pulp culture" whatever that is. It's all "geek culture" to me.
Then he starts talking about some strange people he saw there:
Him: theres some wierd people out there dude..
Me: Oh? Like what??
Him: guys dressed up in fluffy outfits...
Me: fluffy?
I laugh to myself, it's furry, not fluffy, but fluffy will do
Him: with big furry tails and feet and ears and even paws !
Even paws! *gasps melodramatically*
Him: guys.., like 22-25 or so, not girls, and not kids 1
Of course it's guys. Probably all gay/bi too ^^
Me: hehe, sounds cool, 22-25 people?
There's not that many fursuiters in New Zealand, surely.
Him: yr olds
Me: so you mean 22-25 year olds dressed up in outfits like this? how many of them?
Him: yes, like 3 or 4 or more
Me: interesting... did they say why?
I know you didn't ask, come on, confirm it
Him: you think im gonna speak to one of those freaks?
Me: *grins*
Knew it
Me: so they were dressed like animals? what kind of animals?
Pinky! Did you see Pinky? Pink ferret, partial fursuit, about yay high?
Him: who knows , more like some anime type thing you know, looked like it might be out of a cartoon
Me: oh, ok