its sunnnnnnnnnnny!!!!!!
Full name: Anastasia Elizabeth Baxendale
Sex: female
Birthday: 5-16
Siblings: josh kaylyn, john, laura
Height: 5'7" as of like a month ago when i went to the doctor
Hair Color: brown with blond and like auburn hilights
Hair color of choice: whichever looks good
Eye color: hazel
Writing hand: right
Current residance: dallas tx
Nervous Habits: someimes i bite my nails, i pop my knuckles
Do you bite your nails? yes
Do you pick your nose? no, unless i really need to
Are you double jointed? nope
Can you roll your tongue? yes
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? no, i wish
Can you blow smoke rings? no
Can you blow spit bubbles? unintentionally
Can you flare your nostrils? yes
Can you cross your eyes? yeah
Tattoos? none, maybe someday
Piercings and where? two in each ear
Do you make your bed daily? no, it is never made
What goes on first, bra or underwear? it depends, usually underwear
Which shoe goes on first? whichever i grab first.
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at someone? probably.
On the average how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet? its usually like 75 cents, i never have money
What jewerly do you wear 24-7? this turquoise ring and i used to wear these two others but they got tarnished and i havent cleaned them
Would you rather be on time and look OKAY or 10 minutes late and look great? 10 minutes and look great, i am always late anyways
Favorite piece of clothing: m,y juicy dress
Pajamas: boxers and a big tshirt
Do you twirl your spagettie or cut it? i try and twirl it and then hurry to put it in my mouth before it falls off of the fork
Have you ever eaten Spam? ew, no
Favorite ice cream flavor? strawberry
How many cereals in your cabinet? a lot
Whats your favorite beverage? sugarfree red bull, diet coke, water
Whats your favorite restaurant? changs, campisis
What utensils do you use to eat pizza with? hands?
Do you cook? nope
How often do you brush your teeth? at least 2 times daily
How often do you shower/bathe? in summer like 3 times a week ahhaa but school usually everyday
How often does your shower last? 20 minutes usually
Hair drying method? blow drying i guess?
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? yes
If the fountain of youth exsisted would you drink from it? if the person i loved would drink from it with me
Do you paint your nails? toes
Would you rather have genital herpes or be 50lb overweight? ew, neither
Do you swear? quite often, yes.
Do you spit? no
Actor/Actress: actor: matthew perry, adam brody actress: jennifer aniston
Animal: dog
Type of Food: i like chinese a lot
Month: may is pretty good, december is good too i dunno lots
Cartoon: i don't watch cartoons
Flower: gerber daisys
Subject in school: english, art
Color: green, white
Body part on you: dunno
Body part on opp. sex [or same sex, if you prefer]: eyes
Movie: um a lottt
Holiday: Christmas
Book: lots
Vactioning spot: mexicoooo haha
Things to do in spring: play, get ready for summer, try and finish school
Things to do in summer: lay out, vacations, camp, sleep
Things to do in fall: shop, be outside when it is pretty
Things to do in winter: shop, have holidays, ski
Perfume or cologne: burberry brit
TV station: mtv, vh1, fox family
Model: gisele budcheen
Game: scategories
On your iPod: lots
Person you talk to on the phone: maggie caitlin mom brittany
Ever taken a cab? yep
Do you check yourself in store windows and mirrors? sometimes
Color of bedroom? blue and brown
Do you use an alarm clock? yes
One thing you're obsessed with: andrea haha jk
Have you ever skinny dipped with the opp. sex? no
Ever sunbathed nude? ive gone tanning naked, but not sunbathed
Window seat or aisle? doesnt matter, usually the aisle because i get up a lot
Sleeping position: side
What kinda bed do you like? um, a soft one?
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? yep, i use so many covers
Do you sleep walk? no
Do you talk in your sleep? supposedly i do a lot actually.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? no
How about with the lights on? i can sleep with lights on but usually just the TV
Do you fall asleep with the TV or Radio on? yes. the tv
Coke or Pepsi? coke
Oranges or Apples? oranges
One pillow or two? 2
Deaf or blind? deaf.
Pools or hot tubs? hot tubs-night pools-day
Blonde or brunette: either
Tall or short: either
TV or Radio: tv
Pool or beach? um, beach
Tic-tacs or Certs? tic-tacs
Snooze Button or Jum? um, what is jum?
Sunrise or sunset? sunset
Morning or night? night
Hamburger or Cheeseburger? hamburger
Sports or news? news
Indoors or outdoors: outdoors
Cake or Ice cream? ice cream
Bert or Ernie? bert
Spicy or Mild? mild
Call or write? call
Peanut Butter or Jelly? both
Hamburger or hotdog? hamburger, hot dogs are sooogross
Dog or cat? dogs
Bath or shower? shower
Book or Movie? movie
Green or red apples? green
Rain or Snow? rain
Took a shower? yesterday
Watched Bambi? can't remember
Cried? hm, two weeks ago
Talked on the phone? 20 mins
Read a book? like a week ago
Punched Someone? don't remember?
Where do you see yourself in ten years? hopefully with a good job, maybe married
Who are you going to be married to? andrea pagani haha jk dunnooo
How many kids? 0-2
Your profession? something in either advertising or public relations
Future school? sdsu, atm, tech? depends on these stupid sat's
Car of your dreams? white bmw 325i
I wanna live: california
Have you ever been in love? no
Do you still love them? -
Do you have a girl/boyfriend? nope
Do you like anyone at this time? i have a few crushes
Are you a virgin? yeah
Name Four Things That You Wish You Had:
1. really tannn skin
2. a job
3. tour de couture bag
4. a plane so i could go to mexico right now
Name Four Scents You Love:
1. brit
2. new car (too bad mine doesnt anymore thanks to some mouthwash)
3. leather
4. good shampoo smell
Name Four Things You'd Never Wear:
1. black jeans
2. a beanie
3. one of those tatoo necklaces
4. a short plaid skirt
Name Four Things You Are Thinking About:
1. how i don't want to open my SAT scores, because my mom is going to be mad that i didnt do well because i always jacked around in sat class......
2. how i wish that i could have laid out today
3. how this trip is stressing me out
4. i want a red bull
Name Four Things You Bought Recently:
1. jean skirt
2. juicy dress
3. this purse
4. diet coke
Name Four People You Would Like To Spend More Time With:
1. all of my friends
2. new people
3. joe golubic.....hahaha JUST KIDDINGGGGGg
4. andrea