W-Wow! Erealia! Can't say I've ever had a chance to go there before! I wonder if--
Oh. We won't be landing...I see...
I-It's still really nice to finally be out of Tulgim though! I can't remember the last time I traveled.
...Oh. Right. I've met some of the crew already but...my name's Adachi, a new passenger. D-Don't mind me, okay?
[Private | Medium Security]
Log Entry 1 (Oh, how I’ve always wanted to keep my own investigation log!)
Ship: Fiertia
Captain: Yuri Lowell
First Mate: Jabu
Notes: Home of the Brave Vesperia mercenary group
Nothing suspicious yet. Currently doing a protection job for some Erealian noble. No idea what's next after this.
Checked out the ship. Met a few officers. Should probably look more into their backgrounds as well as the captain and first mate's when I get the chance. Otherwise, nobody of interest to note. Oddly enough though, Dojima-san's nephew is here, as part of the crew. Should I let Dojima-san know...?
…hey, this actually sounds pretty professional! Man, I’m good at my job!