May 22, 2009 05:20
Dear journal;
he has a fat head.i want feed it.
Can i get and Amen here .
anyhow my nunga, nunagas are filling my brizarre lately.what gives? strange world.
if you ask me.
Mar 07, 2009 10:57
Dear journal;
sometimes my mom pretends that she can cook, i wish she wouldnt.
Also i think crying is kind of brillant.
its like the relief of a fresh shower,
after a cramped bus ride going nowhere
at least no where you wanted to be going..Aha i laugh. THE END,
Aug 29, 2008 21:17
[Aug. 22nd, 2008|08:02 pm] foods high in alkalinty such as; nuts,soy,nonyeast breads,virgin oils are high energy food and will strenghten you
whille highly acdic food such as flour based cereals,meats,dairy and sugars lower your energy and will weaken you
is that why i feel like crap sometimes.i think so.
reminder to myself..