Mar 06, 2007 09:04
I had an appointment in Toronto last should have taken me me 45-60 minutes to get from home to Yorkdale for the subway...
2.5 hours later, I get to Bradford. 1.5 after that, I'm out of Bradford. Bradford is a 45 minute drive, tops. I left Barrie at 3:30, and got home after 8:30. I never made it past highway 88...
Mar 03, 2007 16:45
So, Rogers has fucked with my phone service. Again. Anyone trying to get a call in here, basically, you can't. Again.
Either they're going to give me one hell of an incentive to keep my phone service there, or, it's time to explore options that don't include Rogers as a service provider...for as much as is realistically possible
Feb 03, 2007 18:26
Last night, post-coitus, a little voice called out.
"You guys. What's going on?"
Couldn't help but giggle at that.