* do not like lightening storms
* am an obsessive email checker
* curse like a trucker when something/someone irritates me.
- for some reason the person i'm bitching to usually laughs
* have an oral fixation
- I cant just sit there, I need to be doing something
- I chew excessive amounts of Orbit gum (wintergreen or original), drink water, and, occassionally, I'll get the urge to smoke (this i try to curb)
- texture matters. i love gummy fruit snacks for their texture but they are otherwise, unimportant and un-notable.
* am allergic to a lot of random things
* overanalyze like it's my job.
* One of my New Year's resolutions is to not become addicted to any substances (i.e. cigarettes -a lot of my friends smoke)
- I am failing miserably at this one. My failure has bipassed my original intentions in that....
- As disgusting as coffee is, non-dairy creamer and sugar are quickly becoming my partners in crime
- When heavily caffeinated and under rested, become irritated and curse like a trucker