Title: Made With Love : What to Do With Two Perfectly Attractive Single Men
Warnings: None. Just good old fashioned fucking.
Word Count: 10,340
Summary: Take two single men, mix in a dash of sexual tension, and you either have a recipe for disaster or love. Kurt and the new employee, a graduate student by the name of Blaine Anderson, definitely have the makings of something…delicious. For the prompt “ Kurt and Blaine meet and fall in love at the bakery where they work .”
Notes: Special thanks to puppetmasterc for a fantastic beta-ing job (and the title/chapter names), desperatelyclever/Odd for inspiring some of the hottest, funniest things you’ll stumble upon in this fic, Samee-89(my woman, my inspiration, and summary writer),bluedevilgrl and Jennah for enduring my constant whining about this and reading it as it unfolded. Enjoy!
Written for the KB Holidays fic exchange for chambergambit (on tumblr/LJ)
Can be found on:
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FF.net Or Here on LJ: 1 | 2 | 3| 4 |5 | Epilogue