Sign ups are now closed.
Okay folks....It looks like we survived...and yeah, so LJ fucked up. At least they had the balls to admit it.
Now it's time to do what we do best...write.
So here's the plan. Multi-Fandom Ficathon. One month. 750 to 1000 words (or more if the muse strikes you).
Tell me what you are NOT willing to write as well as what you are willing to write.
I will respond to your claim with a prompt. You write and post by July 1st. Make as many claims as you like, as long as you can complete the stories by July 1st. You can even claim different pairings/fandoms and request a single prompt, so that you write different takes on the same prompt.
Good? I thought so.
So your claim might look like this:
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Will Write: Non-con, underage (15 and up), BDSM, humiliation, cross-dressing
Will Not Write: Under 15
In response, I'll maybe prompt you with: eyeliner and lip gloss, motel swimming pool.
ETA: WOW...what a response. I will TRY to get prompts out to everyone who has signed up before 5pm PST, by the time I go to bed tonight. Anyone who signs up after that, I'll get prompts out to you tomorrow
Questions and Answers:
Is RPS allowed? YES
Crossovers? By all means.
Does it have to be 750+ words? Longer is better, in my opinion, but I don't want anyone to feel left out, so aim at 750 and do the best you can. No fic will be turned away for length.
How are we posting these? You may post them here in this community, or on your own journals. I will be putting up a post (probably tomorrow) for all of your links. Comment to that post with header info and a link, and I'll put together a master list.
May I pimp this? Oh, most definitely. The more people, the more fandoms, the better.
Is Original Fic Allowed? Yes, I don't see why not!
How long is it open for claims? While I originally wasn't going to put a claim deadline on this, I'm blown away by the response, so I'm going to say Monday, June 4 at midnight is the deadline for making claims.
I'll try to keep you all updated!
ETA 2: As of 10:15pm on 5/31, we have 59 authors signed up to write 82 Stories. I'm totally blown away!
ETA More: I have put up a post for listing your completed stories. Please go
Here to list your completed fic.
You guys are AWESOME!
ETA Final: As of Midnight on 6/4 when signups closed, there are 98 authors, writing in 70 different fandoms/crossovers, with 142 stories. This so far exceeds my expectations for this challenge that I have no words.
Two stories have already been posted. I'll be working on a masterlist as stories come in.