FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS • Comes and Goes (in Waves)

Mar 15, 2011 19:04

Title: Comes and Goes (in Waves)
Fandom: Friday Night Lights
Study: Cast
Description: A beautiful tribute to the series Friday Night Lights, and what it has meant to me.
Author's Note: I made this video with amazing vidders Fran and Jaya. Be sure to check out their youtube channels, yall can thank me later!
Music Artist: Greg Laswell
Date Created: February 25, 2011
Video Editing Software: Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 9.0

Download: mediafire (25.09 MB)
Watch: youtube

this is for the ones that stand, for the ones who try again
for the ones that need a h a n d - for the ones who think they can

lj: music video, youtube: forbiddenspark, tv: friday night lights

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