Title: We'll Say it All: A Series of Drabbles and 500-word Interludes (1/5)
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: PG-13
Words: 900
Disclaimer: All television shows, books, movies, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work and the characters, events, and settings thereof are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an
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Comments 12
i LOVE this. and i definitely feel like Arizona has been without her lively personality as of late. i want her back!
awesome start, i'm excited to see where it goes :)
Pretty sure I'd read your stuff even if it was hopeless, though, 'cause I love it. And I love your structures and the way you get into their heads and... Just wonderful!!! Love seeing fic from you.
And I can't imagine just bouncing right back after something so incredibly life-altering.
The interlude was awesome as well. Great to see something longer from you. I was sad when it ended, so please please update it soon. :)
Lovely writing. Gah, it's just so great!
I think that a number of the issues that led up to/came out during their first break-up were never really resolved or adequately addressed. Everything post-S6 finale and pre-Africa was too pink bubble-y, and as much as we love the pink bubble, it's ultimately very fragile. If Callie and Arizona want to move forward into the kind of deep, rock-solid relationship they both want and deserve, they're going to have to do a lot more to try to understand each other's perspective. Which means more talking!
Thank you again--that you like my writing means a lot. And not to put any pressure on you, but I'm SUPER excited for the final part of "You Picked Me." I actually just went over to your fic journal to make sure I hadn't missed it!
I'm writing the last part now. Hopefully it'll be up tonight. :)
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