Pinned: Love Analogies: You are Everything to My Something <3[REPOST]

Oct 28, 2011 16:40

You are The _______ To My _______

Let me know for changes and stuff!

Dee define-serenity: The Dean To My Sam
Ami messdestruction:The Light In Her Darkness! (unconventional but tell me honestly...wouldnt you allow it?)
Theri misst89: The Peter to My Elle
Lori limed: The Elle to my Castiel!
Katy hushushalibi: The Mac to my Dick
Sarah gaspily: The Elle to my Sylar
Cana razycrandomgirl: The Trent to my Reznor
Serena hearm-weasley: The Blair To My Chuck
Ines incripacu: The Leo to My Piper
Sotia sotiria-auth: The Fries To My Ruby
Marit majit: The Alice Pieszecki to my Shane McCutcheon
Sophie lilah-london: The Elle To My Adam
Robyn bobbinrob: The Sam to my Dean
Jennifer jenniferkaos: The Dean To My Castiel
Marty marty-paige: The Chuck to my Nate
Tessa yourstrulytessa: The Wind to my Kite
:The Dean to my Impala - This is up for grabs again! :)
Elle ls-silence: The Garden to my Sunflower
Lia liam22: The Paper to my Pen
Moza bitter666sweet:The Maccaroni to My Cheese
Vale lucky-star79: The Scotty to My Kevin
Tessa ravens-gate: The Happy Face To My Smile
Marie spring-released: The Rory to my Lorelai
Sofie pjharveyfan: The Peyton To My Brooke
Andy note-sarcasm: The Veronica To My Logan
Kellie kelzies: The Cookies To My Cake// The Castiel to my Misha!
Tori lostandalone22: The Peter to My Claire
Frou Frou micholover: The Sky To My Moon
nandapadalecki: the hotdog to my mustard
shalea-3lovely: the sunshine to her cloudy day
themoviegrrl: The crackers to my cheese
Gloria antar82: The Sawyer to my Kate
edwardsvamplove: the sunshine to her rain
rosie1234: Willow to my Buffy
wingedseraph7: The Starbuck to my cigar
jackiemust-die:the electron to my proton
ravens-gate: the down to my up
lois-lang:Claire to my Elle
brokengem: the Nathan to her Peter
superkappa: music to her ears
puppy-shipper: The stars to her dark sky :)
Stephi stephi-crow: The Max To My Liz
Christina charmstyle: The Lily To My Rufus
Julie paradise-birdie: The Laughter To My Giggle
Giovanna happyhappenings: The Ice To my skates
Ellie ellie-fo-20: The Coffee to my Cream
Kerry kerryaod: The Cuddy to My Wilson
Ashley sirensong19: The Buffy to my Xander

Love you all,

friend, my flist is awesome, love, meme

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