Age: 18ish
Height: 5' 3½"
Weight: idk
Medical Info: She is somehow slightly demonic. She might be becoming a demon herself or be partially possessed or just absorbed some demonyness the movie is very unclear. I am playing her as now being something very similar to Jennifer herself. I could (and may yet!) essay on why I'm playing things this way but the simplest answer is "if you could play your character as a man-eating demon, or NOT play them as a man-eating demon, which is the more awesome choice?"
Blood type: HUMAN :)
Eyes: idk green?
Hair: Dirty blond. Limp and crappy right now but will go to glowing and full of body and lusciousness once she's fed
Physical traits: She looks basically human, and unless she is in the act of feeding, you can't tell that there is anything special about her. Right now she looks like a person who just escaped from a nut house, but with a little food and time to settle she'll go back to looking like a normal nerdy high schooler!
What's Okay To Mention Around Him: Oh, anything really. You should know that if you act like enough of a dick and piss her off she might try to kick you through a wall and/or eat you, but I would get in OOC contact with you before that happened!
Super-strenght. Can punch through cement walls, walk through chain-link fences like they weren't there.
Hovering: not as impressive as flying :(
Turning into a creepy succubus thing and HOM NOM NOMMING
Having really, really nice hair when well fed
Notes for the Psychics: Needy is not the only one home! There is something dark and nasty and crazy inside her. Whether it's a separate entity pushing at her or has kind of just reformed her own will into something different isn't clear, but there IS demon in her. It should be noted that the movie kind of hints if you read between the lines that this is less OMG SATAN EVIL!!!! kind of demon, but rather chaotic/natural/Horned God-type demon. It's dangerous, it's dark, but it may or may not be strictly "evil." Even after giving into its influences, Needy never really does anything evil to people who hadn't totally asked for it :|b
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: she will either stare at you like you're crazy or retaliate violently. If she's getting physical let us be in OOC communication as she is unpredictable and violent, but I don't really want her starting shit with every random douche bag.
Maim/Murder/Death: Go ahead and smack her around if the thread's going that way. She can crawl away from just about any injurry. She'll heal faster or slower depending on how long ago she's fed, but the only way to kill her is to stab her through the heart. (Hell, maybe fire and beheading would work but uhhhhh LET'S TALK IF NECESSARY?)
Cooking: Not a bad cook at all. Unfortunately, she can't eat people food anymore 8(