A hangover is when you open your eyes in the morning and wish you hadn't

Jan 04, 2010 08:57

[There is, of course, the New Years celebration but little mention the aftereffect. In Cuba, the new year is a celebration full of pomp and merry-making and often lasts more than just a single night because if there is more than a handful of things that Cuba knows how to do immaculately well, it is throw a party and a party was certainly held. He ( Read more... )

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Comments 20

canadaaaa January 4 2010, 16:06:36 UTC
[ Staring... ]

[ There is no sympathy in this stare. ]

[ However, the smell of toast and orange juice might make up for that. ]


cubonic January 4 2010, 16:21:58 UTC
[Alright, how is casting a shadow over him! He's trying to keep sane and the sun helps for warmth!

Pulling away the arm he squints and ahh--]

O-oh. Canadá. Ah--good morning.

[Hangovers make it hard to get mad and therefore easier to remember faces asides--America would never stare at him like that. Should he cower?]


canadaaaa January 4 2010, 16:32:34 UTC
Good for me, maybe, how about you?



cubonic January 4 2010, 16:34:43 UTC
[God no that stare--gonna just cover his eyes--now and mumble because he knows he's in trouble]

. . .I'm--I'm alright, just restin' here, long morning 'n all.

[Lies, lies, lies, yeah?]


WOO LATE I AM SO GOOD AT BEING LATE why do I even play Germany sauerpuss January 13 2010, 06:45:49 UTC
[ UP AND AT 'EM oh is that someone on the couch. Germany gives you a slightly sour look like he can make any other face but he isn't totally heartless and understands that not everyone is up at 5AM every day and ready to begin working in ten minutes. It is still a mystery as to why that is, but maybe Italy sets more of a standard than Germany would like to believe. ]

Ah, Kuba. Prosit Neujahr. Are you not off to a good start?


BECAUSE YOU ARE AMAZING? /IS ALWAYS LATE cubonic January 19 2010, 13:36:55 UTC
[The force startles him slightly--but more in a way like holy-hell-who-else-is-up-at-this-dreadful-hour- asides holy-fuck-who-are-you because honestly you only need to hear that voice once before knowing exactly who it belongs to and the facial expression Cuba opens his eyes too is a bit fuzzy but of course not a pleasant one once the world makes up its mind to focus]

Ah--Alemania, Feliz Año Nuevo and no--not a bad one, just one that will take a little longer t' start 's all.

How was your celebration?


A-am I *w* Aiyoooo /blushu sauerpuss January 19 2010, 14:59:43 UTC
Then I am glad to hear so.

It was the same as every year. Lentil soup, some feuerzangenbowle, fireworks, and traditional Dinner for One. I overslept, as well. New Year's is one of the favorite celebrations here.

And yours?

[ Like he needs to ask, really, but manners and such. ]


mama_greece January 13 2010, 19:26:05 UTC
[Looks over him]

I've seen that pose before. [On both her and Roma, at various points] Have a little bit too much of a good time last night?


cubonic January 19 2010, 13:39:32 UTC
[Well, well look who it is! He has not seen you in awhile there Mother of Greece. He cracks a small smile and murmurs with his arm still thrown over his eyes]

Can you really have too much of a good time? It's always worth 't.


mama_greece January 20 2010, 18:36:18 UTC
It certainly feels like you can in the morning. But drink a little more and it'll go away enough. At least until the next day.


distantwater January 15 2010, 19:57:57 UTC
What's wrong with you?


cubonic January 19 2010, 13:38:26 UTC
[Opening the eyes now--oh, another visitor]

I'll let you know when the room makes up it's mind to stand still, how's that?


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