Got tagged for this one, but I don't think I could come up with 10 people to also tag. :-) So if you're reading this, and feel the urge, fill it out and post it in your own journal. I just happened to have a few moments of downtime today to think about this one.
Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little-known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little-known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
1. I can still get a little afraid of the dark. It's my own imagination, of course, but I can come up with some scary shit when I'm feeling a bit twitchy and have a lack of sensory input.
2. I wield bladed weaponry at least 5 days a week. Granted they are usually Xacto blades and box cutters, but blades nonetheless.
3. I have a collection of almost all the original Star Wars action figures. I think I'm missing around 10-15 of them that I could never find or convince my mother to buy. They are currently locked away in cases at my parents house. The cases are Darth Vader and C3PO shaped. :-)
4. I am a Georgia native, as were my parents, and their parents.
5. I have all the requirements for a degree in Graphic Design from Kennesaw State, except for two foreign language classes and a few minor classes in Art History. Never did get the degree and I doubt I'll ever go back to finish.
6. My middle name is Lanier, as is my father's. My grandfather's first name was Lanier, as well. I have no idea why it became a family tradition or when it first started. My father's lineage is hard to follow before my great-grandfather.
7. I believe I probably have some small level of ADD, especially when it comes to memorizing and studying. It always made me feel quite stupid and "broken" when I simply couldn't concentrate on something for more than a half-hour at a time. In school it brought me to tears on more than one occassion. I've gotten much better about it as I've gotten older, but "feeling stupid" is still a touchy spot for me.
8. I was so often on a bike when I was a teen that I wanted to get into BMX racing as a hobby. I even followed the racing circuit for a year or two through magazines. After my wreck, I have only been on a bike twice for any length of time.
9. I've never been a sports fan and still have no real attraction for anything competitive. Not that I can't enjoy a good hockey or footbal game, but the fanatical emotion and appeal is alien to me. Even as much of a computer geek as I am, I actively avoid player vs. player game aspects.
10. I have actually worked in a professional haunted house as a roaming monster in various guises. It was one of the most tiring, sweaty, annoying jobs I've ever done, and easily of the MOST FUN. If you have the means, I highly recommend it, even if only for a few nights.