
Aug 05, 2008 21:28

I have been out of touch. Life is moving at lightening speed and I am behind on every single aspect of it. I don't mean to be out of touch, but I am..... I will see everyone when I can.

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Comments 6

luciddreams August 6 2008, 02:10:41 UTC
I <3 you more than you will ever know. Well, maybe not EVER. But I <3 you like, mega tons. MEGA. TONS.

Kisses and hugs, we will always understand.



7faera7 August 6 2008, 02:59:45 UTC


luciddreams August 6 2008, 12:27:07 UTC
Like a big pizza pie!!


treacerbullet August 6 2008, 05:27:13 UTC
#################### ############################################ ####################
#Se-eking: -Ke-vin Tre-ac-y ; Is -th-is chan-ne-l open?- I-'m looki-ng- for my- b-oyf#
#-leg-al -iss-uan-ce -; A-tte-nti-on -Mr.- Gi-lla-n: -It -has- co-me -to -att-ent-ion#
#hi lov-e-r- ; HEY- -M-OTHERF-U-C-KER! Be-t- -you th-o-u-ght y-o-u- were -i-n- the c-
#-Nine- Mon-ths -As A- Hou-se ;- I w-ent -next- doo-r I -met -the -neig-hbor- I s-aid#
#In-foC-orp -re-por-t ; -Su-bje-ct: -Ha-rol-d El-ij-ah -Lies-e -Upd-ate:- S-eve-rely-#
# ####################### ########## ############################################ ####


dolphindream August 6 2008, 16:02:45 UTC
*HUGS* Been there, and just getting a hug in response is the response I think I could get. You are loved!


universalscream August 8 2008, 02:33:04 UTC
Miss you and hope all is well. :)


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