Title: Hidden Note
foretoldstory1Pairings: Takaki/Daiki [TaDaiki]
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Amongst the mountain of paper origami flower hid a secret note.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: They don’t belong to me.
Daiki was walking along the side of Inoo towards their homeroom when he caught sight of the subject of his affection; Takaki Yuya. To Daiki he was a figure far from his reach, Yuya was the most popular boy in the school whilst he, on the other hand, was just a fleeting presence. For a brief period both their eyes met, Daiki stopped walking before blushing and averting his eyes from Takaki, not noticing the smirk the taller boy gave out. Seeing the exchange Inoo just sighed and started questioning his short friend.
“One of these days you’ll have a heart attack like this” said Inoo “When are you going to confess”
"Urgh... Never" sighed Daiki “He’s way beyond my reach Inoo-chan”
“So? Confess then get rejected then you can move on” stated Inoo like it was the easiest solution
“Of course you’ll say that” whispered Daiki as him and Inoo arrived at their destination and sat in their designated seats.
Time passed like normal for the two as they sat in the usual boring lessons, Daiki felt himself nodding off as the teacher begun explaining the theory behind the equation.
“So boring” whispered Daiki who looked out the window as he laid his head down. Without realising it Daiki fell asleep. Once the signal for the end of lesson begun to right, everyone was immediately off their feet as they walked out of the room except for one person. Inoo sighed as he gathered his things and begun poking the boy to wake him up.
“Oi Daiki, it’s lunch!” poked Inoo wanting to wake up the slumbering penguin, however, the boy didn’t acknowledge the attempt as he kept on slumbering “Oh well, I’ll just come get you later”
Inoo left Daiki whose head still on the desk and made his way out of the classroom. A figure who was hiding just behind the lockers watched Inoo as he tried to wake Daiki up, with a smirk on his face he watched as Inoo left the poor boy alone. Once he was sure that Inoo was out of sight he slowly and quietly walked into the classroom and watched the sleeping boy for a while. Smiling at the sleeping Daiki, he gently laid flower shape origami next to Daiki before gently stroking him on the head.
Feeling feathery and soft touches on his face and head Daiki slowly opened his eyes, looking around he noticed that the classroom was empty.
“Is it lunch already?” whispered Daiki as he tried to stand before his gaze landed on a simple flower that was made from origami paper.
“What’s this?” thought Daiki as he grabbed the paper and placing it inside his bag and quickly heading out to find Inoo.
“Oh? You’re finally awake?” asked Inoo as he watched Daiki walking into the cafeteria
“Ah yeah” replied Daiki as he let out a small yawn before he sat down next to Inoo who pushed some of his bread to Daiki “Ne… Did you give me this?”
Inoo watched Daiki pull out an origami paper and shaking his head.
“No, when have you ever seen me hold an origami paper?” asked Inoo
“Never” sighed Daiki “I wonder who did this?”
Daiki looked at the paper in his hand as he begun munching into the bread Inoo gave him. On the other side of the cafeteria, Takaki sat with his friends before his gaze landed on a certain somebody. Catching the boy’s attention, Takaki gave him his killer smile and chuckled when the boy blushed red and turned away. Since then Daiki kept on receiving flowers with different style.
“Maybe it's a secret admirer or something?” said Inoo as he plucked one of the papers in Daiki’s many piles of flowers “Boy, this person must love you so much”
“I don't think so Inoo” denied Daiki “90% of the people in this school don’t know me”
“You never know” said Inoo “I’ll just grab something from the cafeteria”
“Grab me a pocky please” smiled Daiki, leaning back in his chair as he looked at the flower in his hand before holding it up towards the open window.
“Hmm… What’s that” whispered Daiki as he squinted his eyes and caught something inside the paper. Placing it on his desk he began unfolding the paper, for a moment Daiki froze before slowly unfolding every single flower that was on his desk.
“No way… This can’t be true?” whispered Daiki who stared at the open papers in front of him with nothing but revealed a simple writing ‘I love you…”
A small smiled appeared on his face as he felt whoever this person has taken his time writing this, as the beautiful penmanship was evident on the paper and the amount of time it would have taken to fold this many origamis says it all. Daiki could only chuckle at the effort of the person behind this scheme, he was very curious as to who was giving him all these silent ‘I Love You’ until he realised just how many he’d received and collected. Daiki noticed Inoo coming back and once his friend was seated down he shoved the piece of paper in front of the genius boy.
“Wow Dai-chan I never knew someone could love you so much” said Inoo as he stared at the opened origami in front of him.
“I don’t even know who’s doing this” sighed Daiki as he plopped his head on his desk and stared at Inoo
“Maybe it’s Takaki-kun” smirked Inoo
“I could only wish Inoo-chan” said Daiki when an idea hit him and he had a big smile plastered on his face “I know what to do”
“Okay?” said Inoo as he didn’t know what Daiki had in mind.
Daiki waited until the end of the day to commence his plan, telling Inoo he had things to do he let the latter go home by himself. Once he was alone he smiled to himself and begun pulling out the same shade of origami papers and begun his work, once he was finished he held it with one hand.
“Finished” said Daiki proudly as he stared at his handiwork “I never knew origami was this hard”
Looking at his watch Daiki stood up and gathered his things before he left the folded paper on his desk and hoped that whoever it was that was giving him those flowers will come by and see his very own reply.
The very next day Daiki sat in his desk and noticed that he stopped received handmade origami papers, he shrugged it off thinking the person got busy. However, the day after that and the day after he still hasn’t received one, Daiki felt somewhat disappointment and lonely. Maybe the person didn’t really like him? With a sigh, Daiki noticed his friend and stood up to walk to the cafeteria with him, as the two of them walked Daiki noticed Takaki who was standing by himself looking sullen and upset. This was weird Takaki was never alone like this, what happened? As Daiki kept on staring at Takaki the latter one looked in his direction and ended up catching Daiki’s gaze, unlike the usual Takaki didn’t give smile nor give Daiki a smirk, instead, the latter just looked away. This action made Daiki stop and turned towards Kei.
“Gomen Kei! Go ahead of me” said Daiki as he turned around to find Takaki walking away
Takaki was walking to a more secluded part of the building when he heard his name being called and a pair of footsteps was coming towards him. Turning around he noticed Daiki panting in front of him, watching the shorter guy catch his breath he turned around to walk again only to have Daiki hold onto his arm.
"Umm...." Daiki started
“Is there anything you need Arioka-san?” asked Takaki
“He knows my name” thought Daiki as he felt himself unconsciously smiling at Takaki who on the other hand was trying to figure out why Daiki was smiling.
“I-uh… I just want-… You look upset” said Daiki “Are you okay?”
Daiki waited for Takaki to answer him, but then Takaki answered him the way Daiki didn't expect him to.
"Why do you care? Didn't u reject me already?" asked Takaki successfully startling Daiki who had no clue as to what this guy was talking about
"Huh? Are you insane? When did I reject you?” asked Daiki “What do you mean by that?”
"I meant these" said Takaki as he showed Daiki the flower he’d messily but carefully folded and placed on his desk.
"You did those?" asked Daiki before blushing a bit
“Yes got a problem with that?” asked Takaki as he looked away, he gave Daiki a glare when he heard the latter chuckling.
"I never knew that Takaki-kun was cute” said Daiki
“I’m not cute-…” before Takaki could finish his sentence, Daiki shook his head and pressed his fingers on Takaki’s lips making him quiet.
“You’re an idiot you know” said Daiki with an apparent blush on his face “That was your idea, I just copied you…That... I made those with an answer”
Seeing the obviously confused look on Takaki, Daiki started unfolding the paper and displayed it in front of Takaki. It was a simple message ‘I want to meet you’.
“You get it now?” asked Daiki
“I do” smiled Takaki as he slowly pulled Daiki closer and pressed his lips on Daiki’s one “I think I like you more now”