☆ Threadhopping with this character - yes/no/maybe so?: Yep, sure! I mean, if it looks private or whatever, do ask.
☆ Backtagging with this character - yes/no/maybe so?: God yes.
☆ Hugging this character?: Sure! She loves hugs.
☆ Giving this character a kiss?: Sure, but watch yourself; she's been known to slap a cheeky bastard or two.
☆ Punching this character: Why would you want to hit her?! ;_; (I don't mind, but if it's anything major, let me know first?)
☆ Is there anything ought not be mentioned near this character?: Uhhhh, hm. The only thing I can think of that's a no-no subject for her is what happens to her at the end of Journey's End, so I suppose that'd apply to anything else after that.
☆ Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character? Special physical features, fighting abilities, STUFF: Hmmm, well, she's human so no special abilities or anything. Beware the power of her bosom? She can type well over 100wpm and is an office temp extraordinaire, so if things seem out of place she'll probably notice. But bigger things? She's getting better about noticing things like that.
☆ Anything else, please mention here: Not that I can think of. If I do, I'll change this!