Application for CnC

Apr 27, 2010 22:03

NAME: Dalrint
AGE: If you’re willing to share! This field is optional.
JOURNAL: dalrint
IM: AIM: Farobservr
E-MAIL: Lj messenger.
RETURNING: 1. Drowned Ophelia

CHARACTER NAME: Charlotte ‘Charlie’ Gage-Radcliffe, Misfit
FANDOM: DC comics, Birds of Prey
CHRONOLOGY: Post-Birds of Prey
CLASS: Hero!
ALTER EGO: Charlie Gage-Radcliffe, Student


Charlie grew up in suicide slums, one of the worst parts of Metropolis, raised by a single mother and never knowing her father. She had a relatively pleasant life, if poor and simple, with her mom, her baby brother, and their dog, in a crappy two bedroom apartment on the twelve floor of a not-quite-tenement building. She didn’t have too many friends, kept herself amused with cartoons and comic books, and a fascination with the ‘super heroes’ that were starting to pop up around the country.

When she was thirteen, her powers manifested…rather randomly. She was in her room, staring out the window at a nearby park, and absently thinking that it would be nice to be out there. Suddenly she was surrounded by pink light, and in an instance, she was in the park! After she fell on her rear (teleporting while sitting never really ends well), she picked herself up and tried to figure out what happened. A couple people in the park saw her though, and she promptly found herself wishing she was back in her room.

And then she was!

This, of course, opened a whole new world of possibilities. She spent the whole night bouncing from place to place; rooftop to alleyway to the top of a bus (that went kinda badly) to back to her home. And then she had a great idea, and she scooped up her dog intent on taking him with her to show him her amazing new trick.

…When they appeared a moment later, Charlie was still alive. The dog…was not. His body just…fell apart into a bloody mess. Needless to say, she was heartbroken and stunned. She sat on the roof for a good half an hour before she ‘bounced’ home and confessed everything to her mom.

Her mother was stunned, though she managed to think clearly enough to make Charlie swear that she would never, ever bounce with another animal or especially not a person ever again. And then oddly enough, she didn’t demand Charlie not bounce at all.

But Charlie could tell that her power freaked her mother out, so she took it upon herself to not use it. Well, not too much anyway. Sometimes she couldn’t resist playing with it, seeing how far she could go. (Ohio was really boring, California was pretty but really hot, London was just like New York except with accents, Bangkok was really loud.) She got a thrill of out being in places she shouldn’t be, fancy expensive apartments, backrooms of important buildings, but she never stayed very long. For the most part, she just…went back to her life.

Until a few months before her sixteenth birthday, when she woke up in the middle of the night to find their apartment building was on fire. She found her mother and brother in the kitchen, but there was no way out of the apartment, the hallway and living room were already in flames, and the building didn’t even have a fire escape.

Her mother made her bounce out of the building, screamed at her until she did it, and Charlie ended up sitting on the curb outside, in her pajamas, watching her home burn to the ground. She read later in the newspaper that the owner had bribed building officials and that the apartment building was pretty much a death trap. Seventeen people died.

He got six months, time served.

Charlie found herself on the street, which probably would’ve been a worse fate if not for her powers. She would bounce into empty apartments to sleep and shower, that sort of thing. And suddenly she needed something to focus her life on and distract her from the massive hole in her life.

So, she decided that, well, she had superpowers, so…shouldn’t she be a superhero?

Of course, being a superhero required research so she decided to do the logical thing, and go find some heroes and watch them and follow them home. This would’ve been a terrible idea for most people, but, most people can’t teleport wherever they want.

The first hero she stumbled across happened to be one of the Birds of Prey, whom she followed around for a few days, learning her secrets and even her secret identity before moving on to other Birds. In a months time, she knew where they all lived, their names, even their histories.

So she branched out for a while, spying on heroes in other cities besides Metropolis like the Bat-family and such, and then finally decided…

She was going to be the new Batgirl! It made perfect sense. Batgirl had red hair, and Charlie had red hair. Batgirl had an awesome costume, and after some rag bin diving, Charlie had an awesome costume!


So she spent time in Gotham playing Batgirl, using a batarang she found after one of the other Bat’s left it behind, and stopping muggers and little crimes and having a great time. Of course, this attracted the attention of Oracle and the Birds of Prey, who came looking for her. Which she thought was awesome!

So they chased her about, and she ended up taking a bullet for Huntress (but she was fine! Super healing is awesome!) and then she went and bothered Barbara for a bit. This led to Oracle giving her a lecture on how being a superhero was a terrible thing for a teenage girl and how they tended to die and she shouldn’t do that sort of thing. So finally she told Oracle she wouldn’t be Batgirl anymore.

Of course, she wasn’t going to stop being a superhero. And thus, Misfit was born!

She bullied herself onto several of the Birds missions, until Oracle finally dug into her background and discovered that she was homeless and familyless and made her come and stay with her.

She was not, however, allowed to actually be a member of Oracle’s team. She invited herself along on missions…a lot. But generally she was forced to stay home. Over the next year she did help out though, as they dealt with the Calculator, moved across country to Platinum Flats, and even with her discovering she’s somehow related to Black Alice. She learned how to really fight (though Oracle was kind of hard on her more often than not) and maybe a little bit of self control? Probably not, though…

But then Oracle decided to leave, and Charlie went to live with Huntress. However, during their move back to Gotham…she suddenly found herself in the City.


Charlie is a very ‘bouncy’ (har har) person. She’s extremely excitable, with something like a ten second attention span and a constant need to be doing something fun and interesting. She does have her ‘down’ moments, a life of being on the poor side of poor with an absent father figure will do that. She just tries to push on through them though, being ‘used’ to disappointment does not mean she has to let it get to her, after all.

She is also a huge snoop. She likes sneaking into places she probably shouldn’t be and poking around. None of this is malicious though, she’s just very, very curious. In fact, a person would be hard pressed to find a malicious bone in Charlie’s body. Oh, sure, she can get jealous and grumpy like any other sixteen year old girl, but revenge or genuine anger? Nope, not really. Stealing? Even when she was homeless she didn’t steal anything besides water and a nights sleep.

With powers like hers she could topple countries and blackmail the right people to make herself richer than anything, but doing so never even occurred to her. She’d much rather be helping someone than helping herself.


Teleportation: ‘Bouncing’

Misfit is a teleporter, which she calls bouncing with no real ‘upper limit’ on how far she can travel. She wants to be somewhere, there’s a flash of pink light and smoke, and then she’s where she wanted to be. She can ‘bounce’ from New York to Tokyo in the blink of an eye, and back in another bounce. She is ‘teleport sensor blind’ as well. If a building has an intruder security system, she’ll set that off when she ‘lands’ but if it has a sensor net designed specifically to track someone teleporting in, she bypasses it. The amount of distance doesn’t seem to have any effect on tiring her out, but bouncing too many times in a short period of time can wind her, as if she were running too fast.

She cannot teleport any other living thing with her, or it dies. Generally be exploding from the inside out. (She discovered this when she teleported with her dog.) Any inanimate objects that she is wearing or carrying come with her, up to the size of a small motorcycle.

Teleport Healing:

Whenever Charlie ‘bounces’, any injury that she has received heals itself back to normal, though the pain takes a few moments to fade, and if it was a prolonged injury (being beaten up or tortured) it can take days to stop feeling sore and hurt. And the initial pain is still terrible. Getting shot hurts horribly until she bounces away to fix it.

Charlie’s powers are magic-based, and she has no idea how or why she has them. They can be stolen by a magic-thief and presumably interfered with by objects that effect magic.



[The screen crackles to life to reveal Misfit standing on the edge of a roof, peering down at the city below, her hair and yellow-black cape drifting in the breeze behind her. She’s trying to put on a serious face, though the corners of her lips are tugging into grins despite her best efforts.]

Fear Not, Citizens! Misfit is on patrol!

[Of course, this lasts about four seconds before she giggles and a broad grin breaks out on her face.]

Oh man, wasn’t that awesome? I’ve been working on my pose, ya know? I was thinkin’, like, the whole DARK VENGEANCE thing is awesome but maybe I should try to be more serious when I’m doing it! Less singing and stuff.

Although honestly, I’m not really sure why that’s supposed to somehow be better…The singing is fun!

[She bounces back on her heels.]

But yeah, anyway, totally trying to be serious and stuff. Is it working? I figure -

[She cut off, seemingly hearing something somewhere down below the building, and then the contemplation is gone and the grin is back.]

Ooh, gotta go! DARK VENGA-

[And the screen flicked off.]


Charlie was tracking a mugger.

Okay, it wasn’t the most glamorous thing in the world, tracking a mugger. It wasn’t fighting an evil conglomeration of supervillains or hunting the Calculator or being Batgirl, but it was still something!

But she was sure he was a mugger, he had the whole ‘mugger look’, and if you believed Huntress almost everyone in Gotham was probably a criminal anyway.

But she had a good feeling about this one! Or a bad feeling, anyway. And so she went, bouncing from rooftop to rooftop as she followed the guy. He was skulking through alleyways and back streets, one hand in his jacket…he totally had to have a gun in there. She was sure of it.

She slid to a stop on the end of one roof as the mugger reached the end of the alley, and she frowned. Maybe he wasn’t a mugger? He was just…standing there, watching the people walking by. Had she wasted the last twenty minutes?

“Crud,” she sighed, pushing off the ledge and turning to stalk a few steps towards the center of the roof, her hands balled into fists. She totally wasn’t used to this. Crime fighting was so much easier when she had Babs pointing her towards the villain. Not that she couldn’t do it on her own, but still!


A cry! A cry for help in fact. She rushed back to the edge of the roof, watching as the man she had been following dragged some poor old lady into the alley by her purse strap. Ah hah, he was a mugger! That was great!

Well, not great, it was bad because he was a criminal and all that but it was great because she was right!

She couldn’t hide her grin as she immediately leapt forward, a pink burst of energy flaring up around her and then she ‘bounced’ down to the street, appearing out of the air at just the right point to kick the man firmly in the head.




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