write here... hehe Have You Ever...
Made up your own theory about the existance of God?: no
Stopped believing in God?: yes
Participated in a protest of any kind?: yes
Gone to summer camp?: no
Betrayed a friend?: yes
Made a perverted snowman?: no... ::shifty eyes::
Run around in your bathing suit during winter?: not that i remember
Gone outside in your bathing suit during winter?: "
Done the splits?: the what..?
Picked flowers from other people's lawns?: haha yea
Been grounded?: yea...
Had a conversation with yourself?: lol yes (bob)
Fallen asleep at school?: yea
Lied to a doctor?: yes
Been to a slumber party?: yea
Been to a co-ed slumber party?: yea
Had a pillow fight?: sorta...
Lied about your age on the internet?: yea
Lied about your age in real life?: yea
Cursed directly at a teacher?: haha yea...
Cursed indirectly at a teacher?: oh yea
Cursed in front of a teacher?: oops...
Cursed in front of your parents?: double oops...
Cursed at your parents?: hell no... i dont want to die
Cursed at a friend?: yes
Cursed at stranger?: yes
Cussed somebody out?: oh yea
Cried in front of a teacher?: no
Cried in public?: hardly ever
Cried in front of a friend?: hardly ever
Done drugs?: no
Sniffed a permanent marker to get a mini-high?: lol do people really do that?
Had sex?: yes
Smoked?: no
Had alcohol? : oh yea
Been drunk?: nope
Been drunk driving?: no
Been arrested?: no
Gotten a ticket?: no
Made a prank call?: no
Made a prank call to a friend?: no
Superglued coins to the floor of the mall?: lol no... i should sometime though... glue em everywhere... walls floor... people... you know
Stolen something from a friend?: no
Stolen something from a store?: once
Gotten caught for stealing?: no
Said a racist comment and meant it?: no
Doubted your sexuality?: no
Lied to a teacher?: yes
Thought about suicide?: yea
Considered suicide?:
Attempted suicide?: no
Hated yourself?: yes
Cut/hurt yourself intentionally?: yes
Given the finger to somebody?: yes
Give the finger to a stranger?: yes
Been to a concert?: yes
Been in a mosh pit?: yea
Been stage diving/crowd surfing?: no but i want to...
Headbanged?: lol yes...
Copied someone else’s homework?: yea
Copied off somebody on a test?: no
Cheated on a test?: no
Cheated on a homework/assignment?: yea
Gotten detention?: yea...
Cut class?: yea
Played hookie?: yea
Faked sick?: yea
Been suspended?: no
Been expelled?: no
Been to the principles office?: oh yea..
Failed a test?: does having to re-do it count? ... haynes
Failed a class?: no
Failed a grade?: 1st grade... sorta ( i didnt fail)
Been in a car accident?: yes
Spit in somebody’s food?: no
Spit on someone?: no
Bitten somebody?: yea... ; )
Been spit on?: yea... damn daycare kids
Been bitten?: yea... "
Gotten in a fist fight?: yes
Slapped someone?: yes
Hit someone?: yes
Kicked a guy in the balls?: no
Broken a bone?: yes
Gotten stitches?: no... although i should have
Had an injury where you should have gotten stitches but you didn’t?: hah yea
Eaten dog/cat food?: no... people are weird
Written graffiti?: .. yea
Written on the walls of a bathroom?: no
Stayed up all night?: yea
Eaten half a pint of ice cream in one sitting?: no
Been kicked out of a store?: lol yes... and the guy didnt even work there...
Read someone’s diary?: no
Stapled your finger?: ouch
Eaten a bug?: ew
Peed your pants at school?: no
Crapped your pants in public?: lmao no
Watched porn?: lol i actually have once
Stripped?: yes
Stripped on camera?: no
Been ice skating?: yes
Been rollerblading?: yes (i used to be real good at it too...)
Been skiing?: no
Been tubing?: lol yes!
Snuck out of the house?: all the time..
Walked along a highway?: yea
Gotten lost in the woods/path/random place?: yea
Walked through the woods to see where you would end up?: yea
Been on the roof?: yea... then liz got stuck
Dyed your hair?: once
Cut your own hair?: haha once
Have a friend cut your hair?: yea... but we didnt finish it..
Shaved your head?: no
Had surgery?: yes
Been life-threatningly sick?: no
Been to Disney world?: yea
Been to Disney land?: no
Been out of the state?: all the time....
Been to more than five states?: oh yea
Been to more than ten states?: oh yea
Been out of the country?: not yet
Lived in another state?: pretty much but no...
Lived in another country?: no
Lived in another continent?: no
Been to a wedding?: yes
Been to a funeral?: yes a few
Been to the beach?: umm duh...
Been snorkeling?: no
Been scoobadiving?: no
Seen tropical fish (not in captivity)?: no
Seen wild dolphins (not in captivity)?: yea
Seen a whale (not in captivity)?: yea
Seen a shark (not in captivity)?: yea
touched a shark?: no
Been on a private beach?: yea
Been to a nude beach?: not yet
Surfed?: no
Swam in the ocean?: yea
Swam so far in the ocean you couldn’t touch the ground at all?: yea
Swam so far in the ocean you were a long way away from the shore?: yea
Watched the sun go down?: yea
Climbed a pile of boulders just to say, "I'M THE KIND OF THE WORLD!"?: the kind? really...? lol
Been on a roller coaster?: of course... love em
Been on an upside-down roller coaster?: the best kind..
Thrown up on a roller coaster?: nope
Been hiking?: yea
Been to the top of a mountain?: no
Been pooped on by a bird?: lol mikey
Been unconscious?: yes
Fainted?: yes
Been called a bitch?: yes
Been called a whore/slut?: yes
Laughed so hard you cried?: yes
Laughed so hard something came out your nose?: no
Laughed so hard you peed your pants?: no
Sung in the shower?: lol yes
Sung into a hair brush?: ... yea
Sung in front of friends/family?: does choir count?
Sung in public?: "
Sung at a show of any form?: yes.... first place bitch! hah
Danced in your underwear?: nope
Danced in your underwear in front of someone else?: not yet..
Danced in public?: yea
Danced in a show/recital?: yes
Run around with underwear on your head?: lol i didnt run around
Walked into a wall?: hha yes (and i got a black eye right...)
Walked into a pole?: yea
Had a long-distance relationship?: yea... that lasted a week...
Had an online gf bf?: no
Had online sex?: no
Not taken a shower for a week?: ew no
Loved somebody?: family and friends...
Gotten your heart broken?: i've been crushed yea..
Had a crush?: yea
Had a crush on someone older than you?: yea
Had a crush on someone 10+ years older than you?: no
Had a celebrity crush?: no
Taped a kick me sign on someone’s back?: no
Made fun of someone to fit In?: no
Called someone fat?: yes
Been called fat?: lol yes... i think they might have been kidding though...
Been called anorexic?: yes
Been made fun of?: yes
Been talked about badly behind your back?: yes
Been talked about badly behind your back by a friend?: yes
Stayed up all night long?: yes
Cried in public?: hardly ever but yes i have
Tripped in public?: lol all the time
Farted loudly in public?: no
Been in a play?: yes
Been in a commercial?: no
Been on TV?: no
Been on the newspaper?: not that i remember
Been on the radio?: yes
Been in a movie?: no
Met someone semi-famous?: yea...
Flirted with someone semi-famous?: yea
Slept with a rock star?: no
Screamed in public?: yea
Worn something weird in public?: haha yea. its called halloween
Ate something off the ground ignoring the 10 second rule?: ew no
Licked a wall?: no
Licked the ground?: no
Licked someone?: haha yes...
Hit a parked car?: no
Gotten your tounge stuck on something cold?: ice cube..
Stuffed something up your nose?: lol no
Put something in your pants?: my ass..?
Walked in the rain?: yes
Played in the rain?: yes hah nicole...
Danced In the rain?: yes..
Danced in the rain in public?: yes
Watched a meteor shower?: yes
Wished upon a star?: yea... but it didnt work...
Stolen someone’s underwear?: lol no
Worn someone else’s underwear?: no
Gotten a wedgie in public?: lol yes... its called a thong
Given a wegie in public?: hehe... not me... ::angle face::
Blamed someone for one of your farts?: no
Eaten something alive?: not that i remember...
Faked an accent and seriously pretend that you had that accent?: no
Made up a language?: who does that? lol
Pretended to speak some random language in public even though you didn't?: no
Made up a fake identity when you meet someone?: lol yes... (random guys at the mall)
Given a lap dance?: yes but you have to know the sercumstances.... plus i never took off anything...
Had someone give you a lap dance?: lol yes... same thing as the last one
Lied about past experiences?: no
Exaggerated past experiences?: yea
Streaked?: no
Skinny dipped?: yes
Been pantsed?: lol no
Gone swimming with your clothes on?: hha yes... kurtis jen and tom came too...
Mooned someone?: lol yes
Been mooned?: yea ::shivers::
Flashed someone?: what would i flash them with???
Been flashed?: yes... cristina
Seen a dead person?: yes
Prank phone called someone?: no
Been to a fortune teller?: no
Peed in a pool?: lol no
Peed in a shower?: no
Peed in a public pool?: no
Peed in a public shower?: no
Been camping?: yea
Been camping in a tent?: yea
Been camping in the middle of nowhere?: yea
Slept under the stars?: yea...
Been around a campfire?: yea..
Made a campfire?: yea.
Burnt things because you were bored?: haha yea.
Accidentally hurt yourself while burning something?: lol yes
Sat in the middle of the rode?: yea
Dressed up as a superhero?: lol no. not yet
Worn a tie?: yes
Lied to a doctor?: yes
Broken the law?: yes
Fallen asleep in class?: yes
Been to a club?: yes
Been to a strip club?: no
Been to a bar?: yes
Been to a gay bar?: no.. but that sounds like it would be interested
Ridden in a taxi?: yes
Ridden on the subway?: yes
Ridden on a public bus?: yes
Ridden on a train?: yes
Ridden on a boat?: yes
Ridden on an airplane?: yes
Jumped off a bridge?: no... maybe sometime
Jumped off the roof?: lol yes... into a pool (eric... good times)
Stuck gum under the table?: yes
Had a pet?: yes
Had an exotic pet?: nope
Accidentally killed a pet?: no... but i think i'm going to "accidentally" kill one soon...
Killed a pet on purpose?: .. not yet...
Run over an animal?: no thank god
Written a poem?: yea
Written a song?: no
Written a story?: yea
Shown someone any of the above?: story...
Read it out loud to a group of strangers?: no
Won something for it?: no
Got a trophy for it?: no
Gotten a trophy at all?: yea
Looked back on whatever you wrote years later and thought it sucked?: lol yes
Played an instrument?: yes
Known two languages fluently?: only the bad words....
Known 3+ languages fluently?: no
Fallen in front of a lot of people?: lol yes....
Had a dream?: nope.... i have never had a dream in my whole life.... i am a deprived child.. (sarcasm for those of you who need the help)
Had a dream that foretold the future?: yea sorta
Had a dream in black and white?: yea.. all of them
Had a nightmare?: most of them...
Had a nightmare that after having you couldn’t go back to sleep?: yes
Watched a scary movie?: thats the best kind!
Watched a scary movie then not been able to sleep?: nope
Told a scary story?: yes
Told a scary story and successfully scared someone?: yes
Spent the night at a haunted house?: lol yes
Seen a ghost?: yea
Seen a UFO?: no..
Written someone a nasty letter?: yes... then i read it out loud to them..
Written anyone a letter?: yea
Made someone cry?: yea
Made someone cry from laughter?: yea
Made your parents cry?: no
Gotten a piercing?: hah yea
Gotten a tattoo?: soon
Jumped into a giant pile of leaves?: yea
Been in a food fight?: yea
talked to yourself on AIM?: do people really do that??
Talked to a random person on AIM pretending you were someone else?: no..
Talked to a random person on AIM?: yea
Had an online friend?: yea
Been to the hospital?: yea
Set off fireworks/crackers?: lol yes.... all the time (but you ahve to be drunk first)
Screamed HAPPY NEW YEARS loudly at midnight?: no
Screamed Happy New Years,Happy Bday, etc, really loudly even if it wasn't?: no
Been inside the bathroom of the opposite sex?: lol yes...
Used the bathroom of the opposite sex?: no
Made faces at passing cars?: yea
Waved at passing cars?: no
Done stupid things for passing cars?: yea
Made a truck driver honk his horn?: yea
Watched an R rated movie?: yea
Watched an X rated movie?: no
Watched a movie your parents didn’t want you to watch?: yea
Ridden a horse?: once
Eaten testicle of anything?: no....
Eaten something that your friends prepared?: yea
Eaten dirt?: no
Eaten paper?: no
Been in a band?: no
Played in the mud?: yea
Gone to sleep with socks on?: yea
Gone to sleep in your clothes?: yea
Gone to sleep wearing nothing but a large shirt and underwear?: yea... its cmfortable that way
Gone to sleep naked?: no
Slept in a bed with someone of the same sex (not in your family)?: yea... its called a sleepover
Slept in a bed with someone of the opposite sex (not in your family)?: yea
Made your own clothes?: no
Worn your own clothes?: yes.. thats why i have my own clothes
Sold/Bought something off Ebay?: no
done something embarrassing in public for attention?: lol yes
Peed behind a tree/bush?: no
Talked to a stranger?: yea
Ridden on a motorcycle?: no, i want to sooooo bad
Ridden on an ATV?: yes!
Gotten straight A’s?: yea
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