I'm really very sorry about this.
But I'm desperately looking for a fanfiction that I read a long time ago. I absolutely loved it and I hope somebody else could helpe me locate it.
I remember almost everything except for the name/author. This is the basic plot: It's a future fic [pre-HBP] and it starts off when someone kidnaps Ginny and gives her a potion. Harry arrives at his flat to find Ginny there. Through some exposition it is revealed that she was given a potion that makes her have to have sex with Harry every day until she becomes pregnant or both of them will die. Really, it's not as stupid as it sounds. They give in and have sex just as the potion dictates and in the mean time Harry and Ginny try to uncover and cure to the potion and deal with the repercussions with the Weasley Family's thoughts on their...predicament as well as Ginny's fiance [who turns out to be a jerk].
If you could help me find this I will be eternally grateful!!!!!!