Title: Dudley Dursley and the Magical Enchantress Story Summary: Dudley wasn't expecting to find her. He fought it every step of the way and yet, once he fell under her spell and there was no going back. No matter what. Chapter 3/9 Chapter Summary: Dudley attends his first Quidditch match with a surprise ending. Pairing: Dudley/Katie Rating: R Beta
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Title: Dudley Dursley and the Magical Enchantress Summary: Dudley wasn't expecting to find her. He fought it every step of the way and yet, once he fell under her spell and there was no going back. No matter what. Chapter: 2/??? Chapter Summary: After thinking about her every since they met, Dudley receives an owl that brightens his day. Rating: R
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Title: July 25, 2006 Pairing: Harry/Ginny Genre: Romance/Family Spoilers: DH spoilers Summary: As Albus boards the Hogwarts Express for the first time. Harry and Ginny reminisce about his birth. Warnings: Childbirth and fluff.
Alright, so 0ne_trashylife and I are having this art journal timepanic and my lovely friend asked me to spread her icons all over here, because she doesn't know this community too well.
Okay, I've thought of this for a long time and I thought I would start it just because I can.
There are a lot of songs that I think go extremely well with certain HP ships and situations and I've begun to make a list. If you have any suggestions to add to the list, go here to comment with your suggestions and I'll add them to a master list....
Hey guys. I'm gonna post this fan fiction I've been writing. It's my first one past a little 400-word bugger I wrote a coupl'a days ago, but that one hardly coutns
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In hopes of getting this completed before Saturday, I am working on a new story that is full of angst and would love each of you to read. It doesn't start out pretty, but I promise it will in the end
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