Sorry this post is soo long...i just have so much to say :)

Sep 02, 2004 01:26

Wow...i haven't written since i got up here in SLC...hehe. These past 2 weeks have been absolutely crazy. Saying goodbye to everyone was just a WEIRD feeling. The day before i left was such an emotional day. I first went to say goodbye to Jessie at the theater, and it was just such a surreal feeling, i wasn't emotional at all. It didn't feel ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

spunky321st September 3 2004, 19:41:16 UTC
Dude, there are knarly athletes everywhere here too!! Yeah it was way hard for me the first two days, but it's the fourth day now and it's getting a lot better! Yeah, OMG so me and my roomate have the HOTTEST peer advisor, he's black, he's athletic, and he's sooo smart!! Yeah and we are thinking we might rush Delta next year, weird, but w/e, i'm excited you have an lj! I'll talk to you soon, miss u!


sorority girls... foreverinmyeyes September 4 2004, 14:53:34 UTC
Yes, a black peer advisor...thats the best!! That would be so funny if you rushed DG next year...oh man. I cant see us being in a sorority at all, haha...good times, good times. I miss you tons and im glad your feeling better about you lots!!


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