A bunch of stuff and a Happy Birthday!

Jul 15, 2009 17:15

Isn't Global Warming amazing? It wasn't so long ago were had head wave upon heat wave and we were being advised to keep cool because people were dropping down from heat stroke and such things. But right now, and for the last week or two, we've had torrential rains!

Yep, and there's the thunder! While it's true I'm writing this on Tuesday to post tomorrow (or today) when I'm at the library, I guarantee that tomorrow (tonight) there's gonna be even more rain just like this! And I love it. I love the rain and I love the thunder and... I feel so relaxed right now.

Except I know I'm not. There's something inside me that's stressing. Something feels... off. Wrong. And I can't pin-point it exactly, but it's making me want to cry. It makes me want to stand outside in the rain and just... sob. And I don't know why...

It's really strange...

Such a melancholy feeling that... I don't know... I almost feel as if I've lost something. But I don't know. *laughs* It's very strange. And the less I think about it the better for all I imagine!


I really wanna talk about...Shigeshoshi~~~~~~ It's a drama based off a manga by the same name, kinda... The one I read said Embalmer but they're still the same! Mostly... *laughs* They missed a lot of interesting stuff in the drama and changed some things around, but I still like it!

And now I'm throwing a hissy fit because I only managed to download up to episode 6 (THE EPISODE WITH KAJI IN IT!) and now... I wanna see what happens next because Mamiya... Mamiya... NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! *cry-sob* So yes... need to work out a way to get my ass down to my uncles sometimes very very very soon so I can download the rest of that drama. I NEED IT!

And yes, Mayoki... I may have sniffled a bit watching. I even got teary eyed! And that hardly ever happens when I watch things! I'm as cool as ice me~ hehehe

*is also now a fan of Wada Masato* So sue me! HA!

Also had an odd dream last night and Torchwood were in it. It made me sad... Have any of you seen Children of Earth? If not I'll stick the rest behind a cut. Though it's been a few days since it aired, I'm sure you guys have seen the spoilers for it or have downloaded it to see for yourself... But Ianto dies! I was NOT happy with that! My sister and I watched it from the edge of our seats and pretty much screamed at the TV! We weren't gonna watch the rest of the episode or the next one, but we were hoping that they'd use some kind of magic to bring him back... But nope! Still dead!

I think that was a fucked up thing to do to us and Jack! Ianto was kinda awesome and made GREAT tea! Plus with him around we got a lot of boy kissing and flirting~ which was fun to watch! But now with Jack fucked off and Gwen about to pop a sprog........ I guess this means there's not gonna be any more Torchwood? Unless he gets himself a whole new team. But I somehow can't believe that....

Ugh... it's not fair at all. I liked Torchwood!

And last but by no ways least~....

Happy Birthday Tifa-sama~~

happy birthday, need more dammit!, some stuff, torchwood, shigeshoshi

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