How reliable's
the Prophet anyhow?
I can't even face the--
This isn't happening.
It can't be.
Tonks said she suspected something from the start. We'd worked so hard to find any sort of hard evidence, but there wasn't a sodding thing! Leads didn't go anywhere. They must've covered up the agreements fantastically well.
She's free.
It's all the hospital staff's been talking about. I hadn't even known until hours after it happened. I now suspect they sent me on all those odd errands far from that floor to keep me away from her at all costs. Those were things that could've been done by owl, but they sent me instead. No, I suppose having me near the doors as she left wouldn't have been a good idea. They've covered it up, of course. The Prophet just guessed about the rumours? I think they knew exactly what was about to take place.
They say she's been cured.
Merlin help us all.
Merlin help me if I happen to see her.[/Private]
[Private to Tonks]Have you seen the Prophet? Don't believe it for a second. Those weren't just "rumours". They've already granted Bellatrix Lestrange her freedom. "Cured", they say. "Not an immediate danger to the public-at-large". The hospital's been buzzing about it all day. I didn't have a sodding clue until she was well out of St. Mungos. Is there anything we can do now?
We weren't quick enough or clever enough--
She's still on the Registry, so that'll restrict her movements for the moment. That's some consolation at least. But I'm not sure what we can do without making ourselves look foolish. It might look like we're out to bother someone who just want to get on with life. That's far from the truth, but--
I've spent much too much of today trying to keep on tasks. I don't know what I'd do otherwise. Throw up, probably.
I'll need to Apparate home after work and speak with Gran about what to do, if the family's got any ideas. After that, I'll let you know.[/Private to Tonks]