The auction's tonight.
Good luck, everyone.
[Private]Wonder if there's a way I could back out of this now. Work's been slow-going these past few days. I can't use it for an excuse. And if I suddenly get ill, Gran'll know I'm trying to duck out.
But what good's a social obligation when you can barely speak to a stranger, let alone go on a date with one?
It'll be an excellent learning experience, Gran says. And I really ought to explore the possibilities. I really hope the winner isn't one of the witches who've sent those suggestive letters.
What if she is?
What if she wants to have her way with me?
If I refuse, would that make me a horrible person?
I wish Gran hadn't got involved in this. Then I could've spent the evening at home instead of at the auction. And I would've been happier.
Here's to hoping tonight'll be swift.[/Private]