Since the breakup I've taken on so much more guilt and been punishing my body.
Emotionally and physically through letting my mind pretend it was all right. I let myself become guilt and lost to a point where I turned to drinking my consciousness away. Don't keep trying to distract from what you know you need to face. Accept it, approach it, define it, and just remember that someone's love...if it wasn't really there can be replaceable. The face and the unique personality maybe not but the basic needs for you to feel love and be loved. I put Kipp on this pedestal for a moment but now I realize I gotta work myself back up. I need to revisit myself. I tend to lose myself whenever I find a potential partner. That's my flaw with relationships. Not a healthy relationship so this is what caused myself to go on a little depression, self loathing, guilt trip. I'm on my recovery.