if you come to UNH call me and we can hang out before/after the show ..and during, cause i wanna go too lol. -oh! and my --...maybe itd be best to email you my number so as to keep ..anyone from the internet randomly calling me? good plan. but i shall email you my number to be sure you have it cause i miss you and if youre at unh and i go to unh theres no reason not to see each other! *hugs* talk to you later!
aaahhhh i love you so much for this. and uh... i can't tell you what billy is doing right now but i think you can figure it out. we're sooo excited to come visit!!
hehehehe. good bad boy billy, good bad boy! i'm excited too -and i'm emailing you my number now, kind of got piled with tons of hwk yesterday and forgot to mail it like i said i would. so. mailing now, billy be good and ...thank god, ive got niagra falls over here times two, its finally stopping. *hugs* later!
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