First job: dunkin donuts
First school: eldridge
First funeral: none
First pet: jack the fish
First piercing/tattoo: piercing:ears, tattoo: ankle
First real kiss: freshman year
First enemy: i've had a few...
First big trip: ireland with bonnie!
First concert: was backstreet boys with heather and yomna. and it was a very very long time ago. a very long time.
Last car ride: walmart/taco bell con mi roomie
Last library book checked out: books on witchcraft for my paper
Last beverage drank: crappy coffee that tasted like ass
Last food consumed: eggs, bagel
Last phone call: mallory cause she was late for class and needed me to bring her book
Last time brushed teeth: when i woke up at like 7:30
Last CD played: army of freshman rule your life!
Last person talked to: mallory
Last soda drank: diet coke at dinner last night
Last ice cream eaten: chocolate
Last time scolded: hahah when am i not getting in trouble?
Last jewlery worn: all my earings and my ring
First thing thought of when u woke up this morning: "shit i'm late"...then 3 seconds later "oh wait no i'm not"
What were you like as a child: carefree
did you want to be when you grew up: a firefighter. but then i realized
that if i ever really got to a building that was fully on fire... fuck
that i quit. i'd just stand there and watch it burn with everyone else.
and the lady next to me would be like "oh my god!!! my son!! hes
screaming in there" and i'd be like "well thats probably cause hes on
fire. thats what happens when you're on fire, lady. What are you doing
out here you fucking think-for-yourselfer? why didn't you make a map
for him or something?"
What do you want to be now: child psychologist
How many boy/girl friends have you had: 2... yeah sad
How many people have you kissed: 4
How family oriented are you: not very
thing you thought about before going to sleep last night: that movie
wasn't as funny as i thought it was going to be which makes me sad
Saw a movie: uh i don't remember
Told someone you loved him or her: i don't believe in love, but i have said it.
Hugged: courtney
Were sick: the passed few days :(
Smiled: when i talked to alysse yesterday
something: yesterday. i bought chips. i had the dip but i had no chips.
so there was no chips'n dip. so i got chips. so now its all good.
except for the fact that i ate all the dip, but still have chips. so
now i'm right back where i started...
Had a nightmare: 4 nights ago
Did something illegal: all the time? but deffinately last week. hahaha yeah mallory knows what i'm talking about...
Been in love: no
Drank: yes
Smoked: yes
an instrument: i kinda know how to play the guitar... or at least i own
one and did take lessons. so HA! yeah i got nuthin...
Believe there is life on other planets: yup
Read the newspaper: no clue
Have any gay or lesbian or bi friends?: hellz yeah and i love them like thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much
Believe in miracles: yes
Believe in astrology: yes
Collect anything: bottle caps. me and the roomie are rockin that collection.
Wish on stars: yep... still waiting on that one
Like your handwriting: kinda...
Have any bad habits: lots
Been toilet papering: yep
Been to a foreign country: yep
Been in a car accident: yep
Do you believe in love: nope
Do you believe in love at first sight: nope
Do you believe in forgiveness: for the most part
What are some of your favorite pig out foods: love that chips'n dip, ice cream, chocolate, m&m's
First best friend: liz burns, 6th grade. yeah it took me that long to get one
First car: my taurus!!!!!! love my little green car
First date: lunch and a movie
First break-up: justin
First screen name: nfglpfan
First self purchased album: no clue
What is in your cd player: i have itunes bitches
What color socks are you wearing: none!!!
What color of underwear are you wearing: gray
What's under your bed?: uh lots of stuff
What time did you wake up today: 7:30
Where do you want to go to college: fpc?
What is your career going to be: psychologist
Where are you going to live: not braintree?
How many kids do you want: none
What kind of car(s): jeep wrangler
Current mood: eeeeeh i'm sad but happy but tired but awake and very hungry
Current music: army of freshman.. didn't we have this ? already?
Current taste: crappy coffee
Current hair: auburn and turquoise
Current clothes: jeans and my tech shirt
Current annoyance(s): none
Current longing: dorm with two of the coolest roomies ever!!!
Current desktop: anime pic
Current hate: ehhh...
I may seem: distant
Sometimes I feel: angry, sad, annoyed, pissed off, happy, content...
In the morning I: wake up?
If I could be doing anything right now I would: get in my car and drive far far away
One thing I wish I had is: someone who understands me
One thing I have that I wish I didn't is: no comment...
All I need is: some ice cream and a hug!!! haha yay alysse! i couldn't think of anything else...
If an angel flew into my window at night I would: be wicked excited
a demon crashed into my window I would: laugh at his stupidity and open
the window so he could come in and tell me what he was doing in my room
If I could see one person right now it would be: alysse
Something I want but I don't really need is: a taco
Something I need but I don't really want is: a reason to stay here
I live for: the hell of it