Title- “Just imagine”
Author- ForeverYours311
Rating- Pg-13 to R
Pairings- Joel/Tony (GC/Mest), Tony/Matt (Mest/Mest)
Summary- Jeremiah remembered the way the blondes tongue ran over heated skin looking for any last traces of the drug he craved; how Joel moaned and Anthony looked like the king of white trash- sucking dick for drugs.
I do it for the drugs )
Comments 41
Jeremiah never thought he would get to see their cocky singer bound and bloodied, but then again he never thought he would see him doing lines of coke off the hardened dick of a damn Madden either.
o.o Whoa... I've never read anything like that before. Its just.. wow..
So yeah, I suck ass at reviews.. I'm sorry :( But like I said before, your stories are so damn amazing.
Have my babies, please. lol :P
~♥~ Sarah
I happen to like your reviews cause you almost always mangage to make me smile with them, and of course i will have your babies, but i better get child support, or a ring babe.
And I'm glad I can make you smile... that really makes my day knowing I can do that for someone :)
Then i am glad i can make your day as well
You should write more to innocence lost though...
*dies* you are fucking amazing and wonderful
please write more fics? it was a tad confusing, but not so that it messed with the story, i kinda think it somehow made it better. i'm at a loss, this was just so fucking great!
*brings you back to life* no dont die! i like your review, i am going to try to get back into writing, i used to updated this journal (my writing journal) constantly but i kinda just fell out of it. but i am trying to get back in, just need more ideas that dont kill people in the end, i am getting way to into murder fics...
i'm glad it made your day ;D coz the fic pretty much made my day! :D
aw thanks for bringing me back to life ;D and yay you should write more fics! <333
lol murder fics can be fun too ;D
*hugs* <333
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