Title- Captive (or Interrogation)
Author-Me. Foreveryours311
Pairing- Murphy/Smecker
Warnings- a bit brutal I guess?
Note- I am really not sure if I did this right, considering it’s a new topic for me (interrogation that is) so feed back is appreciated.
Word count- 245
Written for the challenge by
lil_reedy which can be found
Here Murphy’s arms were straining as he held them parallel to the floor; fingers numb as he’s forced to keep the position, a heavy weighted chain around his neck making him feel top heavy and exhausting to stay upright; white noise blaring at full volume from speakers.
The scenario has been going on like this for a while the only change being his position as every so often he is forced to squat till he’s legs hurt as much as his arms
The lights flicker, the noise periodically going on and off. He was sure he lost all sense of time; sanity. It could have been minutes, hours, maybe days for all he knew.
The guards would change; but if didn’t matter much to Murphy they were all the same to him-all hit him when he moved or when he blinked- they all smiled while doing it.
The older man would walk in, and the questions would badger him. Going on and on till his captor was sure he would getting nothing more then “Fuck you” from his captive.
Then he’d be gone and the guards would return, the cycle endless.
Murphy's eyes were rolling as he swayed; lights flickering on and off. This time if only took one question.
”Who are you”
”Murphy McManus. One of the Boston Saints.”
Murphy collapsed as Smecker pet his hair to calm him, talking softly for the first time since this started, Murphy smiled at the words. “Good boy.”