i got this from Jenna!

Nov 01, 2004 16:18

Spell your first name backwards: alegnA
The story behind your user name: i'm forever his? ha i duno
How old?: 15
Where do you live?: stupid *Washington*

D E S C R I B E | Y O U R:
Wallet: $$, ID, pictures
Jewelry worn daily: a ring that Zack got for me, 2 hair thingys on my wrists
Shoes: my orange & white Roxy tennis shoes
Favorite top: um i like wearing tshirts?
Perfume/Cologne: Lucky You, AE, or Adidas
Piercing: 1st & 2nd on my ears, and i have my cartilidge double pierced
What you are wearing now: hoodie & gray & red sweatpants

In my mouth: Ice
In my head: this one cool song
Wishing: that it was the weekend
Talking to: Adam & Lacy
Eating: Ice?
Some of your favorite movies: Mean Girls, Honey, lots of others
Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming months: Christmas, going to Florida *17 days!* & possibly moving?!
The last thing you ate?: i stole a pizza roll from my brother
Something that you are deathly afraid of?: Storms & dying a painful death?
Do you believe in love: Yep
Do you believe in soul mates: Yes
Do you believe in love at first sight: Yes
Do you believe in forgiveness: Yes
Do you have a pet: Yep
What is your favorite junk food?: Chips & Salsa
What's something you wish you could understand better?: Why everything can't go the right way?
Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time?: Yeah

In the last 24 hours..Have you:
Cried?: Yes
Bought something?: Yes
Gotten sick: Yes
Sang: Yes
Eaten?: Yes
Been kissed?: Yes
Felt stupid?: Of course
Told someone you loved them, but didn't?: No
Met someone new?: Yep
Moved on?: No
Talked to an ex?: yeah, well he talked to me but i didnt talk back!
Missed an ex?: N-O
Talked to someone you have a crush on?: Yep
Had a serious talk?: You betcha!
Hugged someone?: Yep
Fought with your parents?: No
Dreamed about someone you can't be with?: No

S O C I A L | L I F E :
Boyfriend/Girlfriend?: Yes
What type automobile do you drive?: i dont have my license
What type automobile do you wish you drove?: a cute pink car!
Would you rather be with friends or on a date?: both would be fine!
Where is the best hangout?: Friends houses
Do you have a job?: No
Do you like being around people?: Yep
Who is your role model?: prolly my mom
Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with?: yeah kinda? but i eventually just gave up
Have you ever cried over the opposite sex?: Yeah
Do you have a "type" of person you always go after?: Not really
Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you?: Yeah
Rather be the dumper or dumped?: Dumper, getting hurt is not fun
Rather have a relationship or a "hookup"?: Relationship
Want someone you don't have right now?: No I have someone!
Ever liked your best guy/girl friend?: well, right now i like my best guy friend?
Do you want to get married?: Yep!
Do you want kids?: Yes, either 2 or 3
Do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time?: Oh I hope its this same person :)
What is your favorite part of your physical appearance?: my teeth or my eyes? haha idk
What is your favorite part of your emotional being?: How I can be stupid like all the time and not really care because i'm just me
Are you happy with you?: kinda sorta?
Are you happy with your life?: kinda sorta?
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