[Random] Meme

May 11, 2011 15:42

So...two non-fic posts in a row ._____.

Stolen from godchild1134 who stole it from 1stepcl0ser . Coerced into doing in this by godchild1134 and ryukokoro_oppa

Mention a Kpop/Jpop/Cpop group and I will reply with:

- The first song I’ve listened of theirs
- The song that got me into the fandom
- Favorite era
- Original bias
- Current bias

Keep in mind that I stan a lot of groups, but not all of them, and mostly Kpop. I also added Cpop since I stan a few of those groups too. If you don't know me that well though, be prepared for a confused face or the side-eyes if you ask me about a group I don't stan.

Keep in mind that my memory sucks (it's seriously really bad) and I probably don't remember which songs I heard first for any given group XD but I'll try my best.

Doing this because I legit don't want to study and t-list is pushy.


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