(no subject)

Jul 23, 2004 22:07

rock a mic like a vandal

Question time!First: of course: Name:Shauna Age:15 hair style:short and shaggy do you have one or two eyes? and what color are they?:uhmm 2 last time I checked, and thier blue. do you have all your body parts?:yes i think so. well i dont have a penis, but thats to be expected. do you like those body parts?:yeah they serve me pretty well If yes: what's your favorite part?:uhmm, i like my lungs. an legs. what about your toenails? Are they painted or not?:they use to be just pink, now they are chipped pink your fingernails? long/ short?:short, i bite them. do you wear contacts or glasses or neither?:glasses, black rimmed nerd ones. if you made a survey what would one of your questions be?:would you kill a man for a klondike bar? do you like dogs?:yes i do do you have dog?:2 acctually Cat?:Oreo, the cat who hates everyone. can you drive?:not legally legally?:hahah ^ Are you legal (18):nope, sorry guys. Are you an adult? (21):i though you were an adult at 18, WHAT ARE YOU EUROPIAN? Have you had your golden birthday?:yup, when i was 13 What is your golden birthday?:when you turn the bumber of years that match your birthdate date. Are you bored with my quiz yet?:its funner than other's i've taken. ok.. Relationship stuffdo you have a boyfriend?:yes, somewhere out there A girlfriend?:no, cant say i have yet If yes: how long have you two been together?:nearly 3 months If no: Have you ever had a boy/girl friend?:not apllicable (hahah i like that word) If you don't have one.. I could hook you up with someone.would u like that?:oh If i were free, I'd be all up ons. do you like dancing?:yes! i dance all the time, in public, in my room, in the shower (and then i slip on the soap, fall and have to stop) Define 1st base:the thing you run to when you hit the ball 2nd:the thing you get to after 1st 3rd:the thing you get to after getting to the thing you get to after 1st and finally home and a homerun:I think you get 2 points have you ever gotten home?:No i suck at sports where's the farthest you've made it?:probably first have you ever kissed in a park?:hahah yeah i have, funny you should ask in a pool?:::thinks:: maybe a peck on the beach?:i like in freaking pennsylvania in your bedroom?:yes, this is to be expected Single peopledo you like to dance?:you already asked me this...I AM SO CONFUSED can you sing?:i am capable, but its not especially beautiful do you have any talent?:I like to act how many boy/girl friends have you had?:2 Just Stuffwhat color do you wear the most?:black I guess do you believe in love or lust?:both exist, I'd say what's more important: love or lust?:well to me its love, because wheerree would we be with out it, you can love all sort of people, but I certainly hope you dont luist after everybody you meet. One or the other:dollars vs. pesos:haha pesos! even though im in French 2! peanut vs. plain:plain snapple vs. kool-aid:snapple! (their commercials kick-ass) can you always get what you want?:no, but that would be unhealthy Dell vs. Gateway:dell, doesnt' thier spokesperson do drugs? PDA vs. blackberry:a-who? YES or NOpublic displays of affection:sure, as long as your not blatantly gropeing each other in public, they are fine dancing in public..:yay! by yourself:yay to the second power! masterbating:hahah I like masterbation jokes, tell me one? gay marriages:absolutely! in fact i endorse them, go marry your best friend of your gender, i know you want to! this is your time! Bush being president again:NO Kerry being president:i dont have confidence in him, but to me, as is to most americans, its about bush getting out. sad, really. that's the end.. hope you enjoyed it!:oh i did! thank you!
Love, Life, and Happiness... A random long survey brought to you by BZOINK!
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