first 2 weeks

Oct 05, 2007 16:55

So....i've been in college for two weeks..i've had a paper due in my speech class everyday...(no joke) psyc class pretty much rocks...but yea my other classes are gonna be easy A's but psyc and speech i'm gonna have to work super hard. but yea, i love it at college..i mean yea its school but...the campus is meet new fun people ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

moonlite_tide October 8 2007, 19:34:38 UTC
Updates are a very very good thing, thank you! I'm picking you up at the airport BTW.. so maybe we can grab dinner together!


forgetfulness07 October 8 2007, 21:32:57 UTC
yay! well my plain doesn't get in till if you don't mind it being a late one thats good! *hugz* love you


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