(no subject)

Jun 15, 2004 21:49


Your Name: Addie
Nicknames: addie pretty much gets the job done but once 2 boys called me Ace haha
Birthday: May 19th
Sex: Female
Zodiac sign: tarus
E-mail: addiemay23@hotmail.com
Color of eyes/hair: eyes=brownish, hair= brownish
Height: 5'6 or so
Pets: 2 dogs and a cat and a fish


Been in love: yes
Had an online romance: if you wanna call me and drew that then yea
Left the country: no
Been so drunk u blacked out: haha no
Taken any illegal substances: nope
Gone out in public in your pajamas: yes
Missed school b/c it was raining: ha um..no but i wish
Set any body part on fire for amusement: haha no but i set other things on fire
Cheated on a B/f or G/f: umm,no comment
Kept a secret from everyone: yes
Actually thrown shoes onto a phone wire: no?
Had an imaginary friend: a long time ago
Wanted to hook up with a friend: if i was single then i might Done something stupid to impress your crush: haha maybe in like 3rd grade
Found a cartoon character attractive: no?
Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the block tape: no
Called or seen a psychic: ha yes
Planned your week based on the TV Guide: no
Prank called someone: yes
Been on stage: yes
Gotten in a car accident: one
Made homemade fudge: one time me and my dad did
Seen the Eiffel tower: i wish


Shampoo: any kind that cleans my hair..good
Soap: it has to smell good
Color: green
Day/Night: night
Band: no favortie
Commercial: i dont watch tv enough to know
Type of sandwich: peanut butter + jelly
Coffee or hot chocolate: hot chocolate
Cold or hot: cold
Big or little: haha depend on what it is
Lace or satin: satin feels cool
Here or there: here
New or old: old
Neve Campbell or Jennifer Love Hewitt: neither
Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt: or not
Old Madonna or the New Madonna: no
Character on saved by the bell:never watched it
Character on Dawson's Creek: never seen it
Character on the Brady Bunch: the maid
Soap Opera Story line:i dont watch those
Wrestler: ha i dont watch wreslting
Cartoon Character: Rocko
Villain: idk


Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Drew
Crush: i have a crush on...drew
Do you have a best friend: Jessi
Do you rank your speed dial in order of favorite: i dont use speed dial
Who's your funniest friend: Ashley
Who do you go to the mall with the most: i dont go to the mall alot
Who do you E-mail the most: well livejournal will comments haha
Who have you known the longest of your friends: uhh idk
Who's the loudest: idk
Who's the shyest: amelia
Whose parents do you know the best: Jessis haha i love them
Who do you go to for advice: Rachel
Who do you get the most surveys from: Jessi or Rachel
Who are you jealous of: everyone
Who do you cry with: Ashley haha


Cried: no..amazing huh
Helped someone: yes
Cut your hair: no
Worn a skirt: no
Worn a tie: no
Been mean: yes
Been sarcastic: yea
Gone for a walk: yea
Gone to the movies: no
Gone out for dinner: no
Felt stupid: yes
Said "I love you": yes
Written a letter: no
Written a paper: no
Taken a test: no
Met someone new: no
Written in a journal: yes
Watched your favorite movie: no
Given someone a present: no
Had a serious talk: yes
Missed someone: Yeah..........
Hugged someone: no
Had a nightmare: no
Fought with your parents: yes
Fought with a friend: no
Been Scared: no


Wished upon a star: uhh long time ago
Laughed until you cried: last night
Played truth or dare: few weeks or so
Kissed someone: May 2nd
Spent quality time alone: right now
Read a book for fun: never ha
Told someone you hated them: today probally
Did u mean it: no
Lied to sound good: idk
Ditched a friend for a guy/girl: who knows
Did something out of character: why would i do that
Showered: like 10 min ago
Ate a meal: at uh, like 6 or so
What are you wearing right now: tank top and pj pats
Are you lonely?: no
Are you happy: at times right now, no
Are you wearing pajamas: yes
Are you hungry: no
Are you eating: no
Are you talking to someone online: yes
Are you ready for this survey to end: i dont care
How long did this survey take you: idk?
Do you want all your friends to do this and sendback: i dont care


God/Devil: yes
Yourself: at times
Your friends: do i believe in them?as in....i think they are real?....uh i guess
Aliens: no
Love: very much
Destiny: yes
Signs: no
The Closet Monster: ha yea
Psychic powers: no
The Big Bang Theory: no
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