Keeping notes is such a pain in the ass, but I don't want to forget anything that's been happening here so I have no choice. A lot happened today, even if I didn't do much on the whole.
Ran into Aidou at breakfast, but then this really HUGE guy showed up and he and Aidou got into a discussion that really didn't concern me. Aidou told me to beat it, so I did. I wasn't going to stick around when they were going to talk over my head anyway.
Then I met up with Tamaki and his friends, Kyouya and (finally) Hikaru, at breakfast. I wanted to find people to help Seimei if anything happened to me, but right after I said hi, Seimei showed up and then they kicked us all out to different rooms.
My nurse is nosy and thinks she's "helping develop my inner self," so she kicked me into the Music Room where I met Kurosaki Hisoka. He hates being touched and is really quiet, but otherwise we got along alright.
Lunch: Finally met that photographer's assistant from the bulletin board, Hinasaki Miku, and she's making a map. I need to get more information from her later.
Seimei came to lunch, but he hasn't been eating... I'm a little worried. I really upset him today at lunch though. I never thought he was so lonely here... I need to make sure he doesn't feel that way anymore but I don't know what to do.
Showers: Met a really quiet kid - Kazuo Kiriyama. I didn't get to talk to him alone very long before Hikaru showed up with his brother, Kaoru. They really do look alike - completely alike. I've never met identical twins before so I hope I don't mix them up.
Not that it matters since I shouldn't be so concerned about making friends here anyway. Seimei said we should focus on getting out of here first and forget about friendships, but I just - I don't know.
People I met today:
Hitachiin Hikaru - a twin to Kaoru, likes to tease Tamaki
Hitachiin Kaoru - Hikaru's brother, likes to tease Tamaki
Hinasaki Miku - also from Tokyo, brown hair, photographer's assistant, making maps
Kiriyama Kazuo - quiet, Japanese
Kurosaki Hisoka - quiet, tired a lot, hates to be touched, sees people's memories, saw me in Seimei's memory, doesn't like Seimei much (why?)
A lot of people keep asking me about my ears here - I should really learn to stop mentioning them.
Tamaki's friend ditched him, the guy was so depressed that I didn't know what to do. But if someone Tamaki trusts that much can ditch him like that over something small, then Seimei is right - people here can't be trusted.
I don't really know what to think about that. Mostly, it just hurts.