first entry..

Jul 16, 2002 18:27

hey all!! I finally got a LJ!! yay! hehe.. thanks a bunch to alsie for the LJ code! oh and just to let you guys know.. this journal is...

--» read the rules before you add me. kthxbi.

1__// I will never add you if you just want graphics from me. Go to one of the thousands of graphics communities that are available. This is my PERSONAL journal, questions about graphics should be directed to communities, mine is taste_0f_ink. I make stuff when I want to, ask me to make you something and I will ignore you. I'm tired of being used.
2__// Add me first and comment on this entry to tell me that you added me. I'll usually add you if just comment. ^_^
3__// We should have some things in common or I might end up skipping your entries when I read my friends page.
4__// NO TyPiNg LyKe DiS!!! Don't be stupid, type properly. I don't care too much about punctuation or little things like that, but if you type like an idiot I won't add you.
5__// You must be an active friend [[commenting, updating, etc]] dont add me just so you can have 1000000000 friends on LJ. I always read but I don't have time to always comment. So yeah, bear with me while I'm in school.

[PS] cant go to my school. I wont add you if you do. Just cuz, i'm paranoid about the administration getting a hold of any of these entries. go add serpens0rtia if you go to my school.

--» I might sound like a bitch, but I'm pretty nice in reality, I'm just tired of people not understanding this whole friends only policy.
--» I'll probably add you back, but sometimes I don't. Please dont take it the wrong way. I love making new friends so just add me if you want! ^_^
--» Remember: my journal. my thoughts. problems? deal. or leave.

! first entry

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