Today is a bad day for me at 5:30 my mom.....past away in her.....bed i could see it in her eyes that she knew that she was gonna.......die i dont know what to do.....its not fair y did my mom have to go.....
Ok, now normaly Matt I don't post in other people journals, but I will make an acception this time. From this point on all that you can really do is remember the good times that you had together, remember that no matter how much you guys fought, she loved you all unconditionaly. Most of all, this is when you need your sisters Kitty-Kat and Mandy. I know you guys fight alot, but now is when you need to be there for each other, and if not, you always have me to talk to, but you know that. I will be up there in a day or two, I kindda have to work because I need the money, but i will be there sunday to shoot the breeze with you, until then take care and just take things as they come. Love always, Jc
Matt im sorry to hear about your mom, I know hoe devistating things can be when you loose a loved one. You know you can always talk to Jc and me if you need to. By the way its me Tony
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Love always,
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