First drabble...

May 03, 2007 23:20

Title: Whatever
Author: squee_attack (FrogsofChocolate/torndeception)
Rating: G
Summary:In the back of her addled mind, Alice knows he is her one constant.
(Characters: Alice Longbottom, Frank Longbottom; Prompt: whatever)

“Whatever happens, say that you’ll always love me.” Alice Longbottom had whispered so many nights ago.

“Of course, always,” Frank had told her, wrapping her in a tight embrace.

He still loves her. In the back of her addled mind, Alice knows he is her one constant. The nurses, with their inanely clean coats, came and went. There were millions of faces, swimming in and out of her memory (sometimes she remembers a baby, who by now is most likely a man, but just as she thinks she knows the name, she forgets), but Frank…

Frank is always there.

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