Title: Moral Compass, Ideas
Spoilers: a mass near the end of the series
Pairing: Alphonse/Kimbley
Notes: And the story continues! All due to this fanart:
Isn't it SHINY? part one Part two Part three
Edward hadn’t been all that sure about the wisdom of his brother’s actions. He’d seen the occasional dark looks and the other, quieter subdued actions that sometimes halfheartedly followed them, but the youngest in the house had seemed oblivious. Either that, or perhaps he simply hadn’t cared.
When the older brother had found himself needing to leave again, he’d first given his brother a new drug, demanding he used that if he felt the other was unhealthy. He wouldn’t have his brother ending up at the mercy of a known killer.
Apparently the only one who didn’t think that Kimbley would ultimately kill Alphonse… was Alphonse.
It had been a month since he’d started the weaning alchemist off the drugs. He found himself using the new ones a week after his brother left, two into the experiment.
He’d only been convinced of the need when the older alchemist managed to make his glass explode inches from his fingers, having gotten the timing wrong due to the unpredictable level of control. He’d been trying to maim the younger man, not scare him.
It was a week after that now, and Alphonse had switched completely over to the new drug. He was finding it better in some ways, but highly confusing in others. On the one hand, Kimbley could talk to him now, to an extent. On the other, some of the things the older man did were truly odd.
This, for instance, was one of the occasions when the new reactions utterly baffled him. He simply was not used to having the dark man crawling into his bed. The fact that the man, when dosed up on the first drug, had still had leaned away from his touch, or twitched from contact, made this even stranger to him.
Cracking open his eyes to regard the form curled up against his side incredulously, there was no doubt that this was, indeed, what had happened. He’d known that the new medication had made him more agreeable, but not quite to this extent.
Considering his options for a long moment, the young caretaker brushed the barely in place blanket to the side, making the item fall off the bed with a muted ruffle of cloth. It didn’t seem to disturb the older man any, so he ran his fingers along his side, testing to see if the man had truly gone back to sleep so quickly. It didn’t even cause a twitch in response, so the blond nudged the man over onto his back, just to be completely sure he wouldn’t wake up hurting because this was a trick. Still, nothing.
This was really a first in allot of ways. Even asleep and nigh incoherent with drugs, he’d never been this… easy to maneuver on the first kind. It was a change the young alchemist was discovering that he could get used to. Sure, he’d noticed that the more of this drug he’d transferred over, the more accommodating he’d become, but the awareness hadn’t really faded away as under the first, so he had thought it might be more difficult to get him to do as he wanted.
Alphonse rolled over to go back to sleep after snatching the blanket off the floor and pulling it up over the man. Once he was comfortable, he went back to sleep. This odd behavior continued for a week more before the blond decided to test a theory.
After careful observation, subtle touches during the day and other things of the kind, he’d figured out what was going on. Something about the new drugs made the man crave contact, making him lean into the attention instead of away. His eyes weren’t the same as the first time either. A faint gleam in the gold gaze making it clear that he was just aware enough to know that he wanted the discomfort soothed, yet not quite enough to really protest. So Alphonse obliged.
Those actions led to this particular evening. Alphonse held off his much coveted sleep after crawling under the covers, getting comfortable as he normally would, then he observed. He’d noted that the other man seemed to have been taking less time each night before waking him by taking up his space, so he’d decided to see what drove him to doing it in the first place.
The dark man tossed and turned. Alphonse usually didn’t see this series of events because he’d simply go straight to sleep. This time, he watched, seeing the way the man grew steadily more restless until he rolled entirely out of bed, unfocused gold eyes roving the room until they settled on the other mattress. After that, the man crawled over, shivering as though chilled until he was in place next to his keeper, tucked up against the younger form so his discomfort would go away.
Instead of finally going to sleep, Alphonse rolled to face the man fully, nudging him over on his back and getting a confused, sleepy look for his trouble.
“You keep crawling over here at night.” It took a few moments, but he only continued when the man seemed to fully understand what he was saying. “You can’t sleep by yourself on this medication, can you?"
This reaction took longer, but finally the other looked off to the side, having the presence of mind to not like this fact, nor admit to it.
Alphonse quirked his lips, fingers running back and forth across the chest of the man in his care, the bandages less after so long, enough to not get in the way of the questing fingers. At first there wasn’t much of a reaction, but slowly the petting drifted into longer and longer paths, until his fingers moved too low, drawing a startled little yelp and arch out of the darker man.
A tiny smirk flitting across his face, the blond promptly rolled over and went to sleep. Possibly… he could go somewhere with that. He hadn’t really considered how to use those physical side effects before. Though, he certainly was now.