Holy crapazord. In my quest to fix my friend page that had a faulty photobucket image, I accidentally reverted my journal to default layouts. It will not let me pick my custom layout from when this was a paid account. dfualsdfj I do not post enough here to pay again!
I would like to do this again.
The return of DARTHTOASTER.
seatbeltsash and I marveling over the lemon mood icons.
I was thinking of making my hair orange again, since it sort already is from bleaching. NO BAD.
This says "prepare for a barbecue," and I am so tempted to get it tattooed on myself in order to efficiently make fun of Japanese Kana tattoos and make an ass out of myself.
I can't find this particular pair of underwear. I hope nobody smoked it.
A sim that has died, but I still like her face.
A ton of ambulances and fire trucks are always parked outside the local pizza place when I am driving to work and it's impossible to avoid thinking "AMBULUNCH!!"